Definition of



To hate means experiencing an aversion towards something or someone.

The first thing we have to do in order to establish the meaning of the term abhor is to discover its etymological origin. In this sense, we can determine that it derives from Latin, specifically, from the word abhorrescere , which is the result of the sum of several components:

-The prefix ab- , which is used to indicate distance.

-The verb horrere , which can be translated as “feel horror.”

-The verbal suffix -sc- , which is part of the infinitive verbal forms ending in “-ecer”.

What is abhorrence?

The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the fact of feeling an aversion for something or someone.

For example: “After doing the same thing for so many years, I came to hate that job,” “I think there are several reasons to hate the government,” “The public went from hating the singer to applauding him.”

Antipathy or animosity can arise for various reasons. Suppose that a man , due to various circumstances, is forced to work twelve hours a day in a poorly paid job. In this job, he is also mistreated by his boss. It is likely that this person, at some point, will begin to hate this job even though they have to keep it because they need the money.


When you hate, you feel discomfort or antipathy.

Feeling towards another individual

Hating a person can be a feeling that acts as a burden for those who have it. Therefore, it is established that if you want to put aside that antipathy for another, what you should do is carry out the following tips:

-We must be clear that hatred or animosity does not lead anywhere, that is, it does not serve any positive purpose.

-It is advisable to show some empathy with others and especially with that individual who is hated.

-You have to avoid spending time thinking about that person and how you “hate” them.

-It is also established that a good measure in this regard is to think about why you hate it and, after finding out, decide to turn the page. Writing them down or reflecting on these reasons is more than enough to “take them out” and make them disappear forever.

-You have to try to change the opinion you have of that individual, focusing on positive things they have or on good moments experienced with them.

Hate linked to tiredness or boredom

The notion of hate, in a similar sense, is used to name the annoyance caused by something that bores or tires.

A child who is forced to eat carrots every day may come to hate this food because he is tired of consuming it constantly. That is why his parents should propose various food options so that the little one does not end up getting tired of any of them.

action of a bird

Hate, finally, is what a bird does when it distances itself from its eggs or young , abandoning them.

This abhorrence can arise if a human gets too close to the nest and begins handling the eggs. In this situation, the animal may leave and no longer pay attention to its eggs.