Definition of



An open book has pages available to whoever wants to read.

Open is a term that allows us to refer to multiple issues. It is generally an adjective , although there are times when it appears as a noun (for example, in sports competitions in which all categories can participate: “The Australian Open started today” ).

An open person is frank and receptive, and does not hastily judge others, but rather accepts ideological and cultural differences, and is even capable of changing his or her mind and learning from others. An open list , on the other hand, is susceptible to changes: “I am listening to proposals, the list is still open.” Open businesses or issues have a similar meaning, since the adjective refers to what is not yet resolved: “The deal is open since several points still need to be agreed upon.”

open sound

An open sound is one that is articulated with a wide degree of opening , greater than in sounds considered closed ( open vowel ). In singing it is very important to develop a deep knowledge of this sound characteristic to successfully traverse the entire range of the voice. Basically, human vocality is divided into three registers: the low, the central and the high. However, a well-educated speech system is capable of transcending these limits in both directions.

To be able to go from one register to another without noticeable cuts in the voice, it is necessary, in part, to give the vowels the necessary opening , which results in a more or less round sound. The notes that represent the transitions between these segments are called passages , and they often cause a lot of headaches for singing students. In general rules, and taking the vowel "a" as a reference, to sing in the low register a very open sound is used, which closes as it goes up, taking on a more rounded shape, as if it were gradually mixed with an "o." When you reach the passage between the center and the acute region, it is likely that it will be necessary to open it again, starting an opposite path, which will end up deforming all the vowels and making them almost indistinguishable.


An open field lacks walls or fences.

a type of code

Open source software (or open source , in English) is software that is distributed freely and is susceptible to modification by users, since it offers access to sources. Given the high prices of programs and the reluctance of users to pay for them, the popularity of open source applications has grown considerably in recent years. However, these products are not the ultimate cure for piracy, as they generally lack the features that make their paid alternatives shine.

Among the most popular open source programs is, without a doubt, GIMP . It is an application that was born as a free alternative to Photoshop ; Among its benefits, it should be noted that its developers offer versions for several operating systems, including Windows and Linux , and that it has a wide variety of very powerful tools. Its weak points are, on the other hand, its graphical interface and the great difficulty involved in learning to perform tasks that in its competence can be carried out with a simple action.

Other uses of the term open

Regarding a cavalry , the notion of open allows us to mention that it separates its limbs excessively when walking or jogging. An open field or land , meanwhile, is one that is without fences or walls, and that has an expanded or flat surface.

An open letter is intended for general circulation; That is, it is not personalized to a single sender or is not confidential . When it comes to electricity, an open circuit is an interrupted circuit that does not allow current to flow.