Definition of



Zinc is a metal that is used to produce alloys.

Zinc is the chemical element with atomic number 30 , whose symbol is Zn . It is an abundant metal in the Earth's crust, white and shiny, which can appear in the form of silicate, sulfide or carbonate.

The use of zinc, also mentioned as zinc , dates back to approximately 1,500 BC , according to objects found by archaeologists. However, it is believed that the chemical reactivity of this metal and its capabilities were not realized in ancient times.

Zinc production

Globally, the main producers of zinc are China , Australia , Peru , the United States and Canada , in that order. These five countries provide almost 70% of the metal used throughout the planet .

Zinc is used to form alloys (such as brass ), galvanize steel and iron to protect them from corrosion, and make electric batteries, for example. It should be noted that zinc is an essential chemical element for humans, since it is used by various enzymes for the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids.

Its presence in the human body

The human body has about 40 milligrams of zinc per kilo that helps the proper functioning of the immune system , wound healing and DNA synthesis, among other functions.

To maintain a good level of zinc, adults should eat about 20 milligrams of zinc per day, through foods such as brewer's yeast, beans, seaweed, pecans, soy and whole grains. If you suffer from a zinc deficiency, the subject may experience growth delays, impotence, hair loss, and smell abnormalities.


Whole grains provide zinc to the body.

Benefits and properties of zinc

At the beginning of the 70s, the possibility of a zinc deficiency in our body was not considered, given that it is found in sufficient proportions in a large part of our diet. But it was soon discovered, through various studies with malnourished patients, that this phenomenon can occur as a direct consequence of inappropriate intake or poor absorption, whether the body eliminates more zinc than normal or requires it in greater quantities. .

Some disorders related to low zinc level in the human body are anemia , hypogonadism , geophagia , diabetes , kidney failure , and liver cirrhosis . Regarding its causes, a common example is chronic diarrhea, which collaborates with the loss of zinc; On the other hand, there is a hereditary childhood disease called acrodermatitis enteropathica , which prevents the normal absorption of zinc contained in food .

Likewise, people who sweat too much and those who consume more water than recommended lose zinc. This makes it clear that the causes of the deficiency can be both genetic and external.

Its functions in the body

These are some of the functions of this mineral element in our body:

  • Improves the development of the reproductive organs and the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • It helps prevent acne , as it regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Collaborates with the synthesis of proteins and collagen.
  • Helps combat stress.
  • Stimulates wound healing.
  • Improves the response of our immune system.
  • Protects the liver.
  • It plays an indispensable role in bone formation.
  • It is a component of insulin.
  • It acts as a very powerful natural antioxidant.
  • Helps the body absorb vitamin A.
  • It is a decisive factor in the development of the human being, from gestation to youth.
  • Collaborates with the health of the olfactory and gustatory systems.
  • It intervenes in the preservation of ocular functions.

Finally, it is important to note that in some cases it is necessary to reinforce zinc intake, such as during pregnancy or when experiencing diseases such as malnutrition or anorexia.