Definition of


a campfire

Tinder is a material used to light a fire.

Yesca is a term that comes from the Latin esca , which translates as “food.” This is the name given to the element that is very dry and that, due to this characteristic, can easily burn or ignite .

flammable matter

The material arranged so that a spark can ignite it , generating fire , is known as tinder, therefore. Tinder is usually formed from dried cloth, mushrooms and thistle.

It is important to mention that tinder can be prepared with the intention of producing flames . But tinder is also called the dry matter that accumulates naturally, susceptible to causing fire.

Necessary for fire

What tinder does, ultimately, is help combustion . If someone tries to light a fire by impacting two rocks, for example, it is likely that they will create sparks. Those sparks, however, will tend to go out soon. It is essential to have a base that, when sparked, ignites and helps spread the fire. That foundation can be tinder.

It is possible to gather green leaves and let them dry for several days or weeks. This process makes it possible to obtain tinder, which is used to carry fire from one place to another or, if a good amount is collected, to build a bonfire .

vine tinder

The fungus, quick or hinojorey , which is also known as tinder of the vine , is a disease caused by certain fungi, just as happens with downy mildew . However, tinder focuses on the roots of the trunk, so its consequences are much greater for the plant.

It enters through certain wounds that the plant has, such as those caused by pruning. The symptoms of this disease are seen especially during spring and summer, when the heat becomes more intense. Mainly, its leaves dry , either partially or completely, and sometimes fall off . Its shoots, that is, its shoots, also dry out, and this is the first sign that can be detected when pruning the vine.

How to combat tinder

Until 2003, sodium arsenite was an effective remedy against vine tinder. However, since it has since been banned due to its negative effects on people's health (it can cause cancer), there is no longer one that produces the same results.

This does not mean that the farming community has not sought an alternative solution. For example, there is evidence that hydrogen peroxide could effectively combat this fungus. The absence of an infallible method available to everyone represents a serious problem, since in large plantations the treatment must be done manually for each strain.

The two measures that are most frequently used are the following:

* prevention : disinfect scissors, both those used to cut grapes and those used for pruning, to avoid transporting infected sap between plants;

* control : using the aeration technique, which consists of penetrating the trunk with oxygen to reach the fungus and paralyze it, it is possible to stop its advance . To do this, a cut must be made in the infected stock and kept open with the help of a wedge. In this way, oxygen enters freely and the tinder cannot defend itself.


Vine tinder is a disease caused by a fungus.

Other meanings

According to the dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spain ( RAE ), the notion of tinder is also used to name that which stimulates the desire to drink or that encourages a passion .

La Yesca , finally, is a municipality that is part of the state of Nayarit ( Mexico ). It has more than 13,000 inhabitants and is headquartered in a town of the same name ( La Yesca ).