Definition of



Voltage refers to the number of volts.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines voltage as the amount of volts that act on a device or an electrical system . In this way, voltage, which is also known as tension or potential difference , is the pressure that a source of electrical energy or electromotive force exerts on electrical charges or electrons in a closed electrical circuit. This is how the flow of an electric current is established.

The greater the potential difference exerted by a source of electrical energy , the greater the voltage existing in the circuit to which that conductor corresponds. Potential difference is measured in volts (V) , just like potential.

The tension between two points of an electric field is equal to the work done by said unit of positive charge to transport it from point A to point B. It should be noted that the tension is independent of the path taken by the charge, and depends exclusively on the electric potential of points A and B in the field .

Electric current and induced voltage

When two points that have a potential difference are joined through a conductor , a flow of electric current occurs. Part of the charge created by the point of highest potential is transferred by the conductor to the point of lowest potential; In the absence of an external source (a generator ), the current ceases when both points equal their electrical potential. This transfer of charges is known as electric current .

All of this also leads us to refer to what is known as induced voltage. A term used to refer to the force that has the capacity to produce, in a closed circuit, electric current. However, this concept is also used to refer to the force that, in an open circuit, is capable of maintaining the electrical tension between two specific points.

electricity towers

Voltage is also known as tension.

The concept in colloquial language

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the fact that voltage is also used in colloquial language. Specifically, we talk about high voltage, an expression that attempts to define that a specific situation is loaded with action or eroticism and sexuality.

A phrase that can serve as a perfect example of this meaning that we are citing is the following: Luis and Manuela had a high-voltage date where caresses and kisses were the absolute protagonists.

In the same way, we also have to mention that there are various films that use the term we are analyzing in their titles and specifically with the last meaning explained. Among those, for example, the Spanish production "Isi & Disi, Alto Voltaje" stands out. In 2006, this film was released, directed by Miguel Ángel Lamata, which tells us the story of two friends who are absolute fans of the group AC/DC and who must get a rock group to win a contest in order to face to some debts that they have pending.