Definition of



Viscosity is linked to the resistance to flow.

Viscosity is the characteristic of viscous . Something viscous is adhesive or pasty , differentiating it from other states such as solid or liquid .

We speak of viscosity to refer to the opposite force that a fluid exerts when faced with a tangential deformation . It is a property characterized by the resistance to flow that is generated from the friction between the molecules .

Since all known fluids have some level of viscosity, the hypothetical fluid with no viscosity (that is, with zero viscosity) is known as an ideal fluid .

Viscosity characteristics

Viscosity is measured by the friction that occurs between the successive layers of a fluid . When dragging the surface of a fluid, the lower layers move more slowly than the surface since they are affected by the tangential resistance . Viscosity, therefore, manifests itself in moving fluids (where tangential forces come into action)

When the viscosity is very large, the friction between the adjacent layers is pronounced and the movement is therefore weak.


Honey is characterized by its viscosity.

Your measurement

The viscosity of fluids is measured through the viscosity coefficient , a parameter that depends on temperature . The physical unit of dynamic viscosity is called the pascal-second , according to the International System of Units .

The poise , on the other hand, is the unit of the cegesimal system of units for dynamic viscosity . The name was established in honor of the French scientist Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille .

Kinematic speed , finally, is the ratio between dynamic viscosity and density. Its physical unit in the cegesimal system of units is known as the stoke , while in the SI it is the square meter/second .

The viscosity of different substances

Viscous is usually related to the term mucus since both concepts make it clear that the element they refer to is characterized by being slippery, sticky and also glutinous.

Among the most viscous products are gelatin , various types of soaps , shampoos , gels and other beauty products. It must also be emphasized that there is a toy that is characterized by its viscosity and that is what has made it the playmate of many children for decades.

Specifically, we are referring to blandiblu , a polymer that is characterized by being a "dough" of different colors that can be molded to the whim of each person to form all types of figures. It is also used by the little ones in the house to use it as a "weapon" in fun throwing battles with friends.

This viscous play dough appeared in 1976 thanks to the Mattel company and caused a stir in the children's world, and especially in the 1980s as it became one of the most popular entertainments for children.

More specifically, we can establish, on the other hand, that viscosity is the main hallmark that identifies each and every one of the existing lubricants. To carry out the classification of lubricants based on their viscosity, variables such as temperature and pressure must be taken into account.