Definition of



Viral is something linked to a virus.

Viral is an adjective used to name what is linked to viruses . This concept (virus) is used in biology to name a type of organism and in computing with reference to harmful software.

If we focus on the field of medicine , a viral infection is one that is caused by the action of a virus. The flu , also known as the flu , is an example of a very common viral infection. It occurs when a virus that belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family infects an organism, producing, in the case of humans, headache, myalgia, sore throat and cough, among other ailments.

It is important to mention that a virus has the ability to multiply very quickly inside the body . This property of viruses means that the concept of viral is used in a symbolic sense to refer to something that spreads very quickly and exponentially .

The viral on the Internet

Nowadays, therefore, viral is used as a noun to refer to content that, thanks to the Internet and social networks , is spread massively and globally.

A viral that was very well known is the video of a young man named Gary Brolsma where he dances to the song “Dragostea din tei” . Known as the “Numa Numa dance” , this dance became enormously popular through YouTube and the millions of users who spread the content.

The advertising and marketing industry currently often uses viral techniques to multiply the reach of its creations.

Social networks

On the Internet, content that spreads exponentially and very quickly is classified as viral.

Tips for creating massive content

Although the first examples of viral content arose spontaneously, today that naturalness has been lost and the majority of companies and creators of multimedia content on the Internet do everything possible to turn their advertisements and videos into authentic viruses that spread. one user to another almost without control .

Given that viral content can be very beneficial for those seeking to earn income through networks, below are some of the most used tricks to achieve the massification of photos and videos in a very short time:

  • Publish things that you like and that make you want to share . Just as with art, if we are honest with ourselves when creating we have a better chance of reaching the public.
  • Avoid content that offends or embarrasses some users. It goes without saying that issues such as racism, sexism and speciesism, among other forms of contempt and discrimination, should be avoided by all means , but even risqué images or vulgar vocabulary can scare people and affect the viralization of negative way.
  • Stay up to date with the trends of the moment, to know what the public wants to see and avoid showing things that only interest us. This technique is related to the way comedians act in the theater, constantly measuring the audience's reaction to know whether to continue with a joke or move on to the next.
  • Appeal to nostalgia , a force that moves us beyond our will. Who is not moved when an image takes them to their past, to their happiest times, to those days when no one had yet broken their heart or disappointed them beyond repair? Well, if we manage to touch that chord with users, we are already largely assured of success.
  • Viral content would almost not exist if it were not for photos of animals , especially cats and, if possible, a few months old.