Definition of

Vice versa


The concept of vice versa refers to an exchange of positions.

Viceversa is an adverb that can be understood as “upside down” . The concept is used when two elements or situations can change position relative to each other .

In its etymology we find two components: vice , which can be translated as "instead of" and versa , which means "turn." As indicated in the previous paragraph, the term vice versa indicates a certain reciprocity, that is, it connects two situations in both senses .

For example: "The national government announced that next week exhibitions of artists from Buenos Aires will begin to take place simultaneously in Córdoba and vice versa" , "You must keep in mind that there are things that an employee does not tolerate from his boss and vice versa" , “My father said that there is always some truth in a lie and vice versa.”

Analysis of the concept of vice versa

Let's take the first example . When someone expresses that there will be an exhibition of artists from Buenos Aires in Córdoba and “vice versa” , they will be indicating that there will also be an exhibition of artists from Córdoba in Buenos Aires . That is to say: two simultaneous exhibitions will be held, one in Córdoba (with artists from Buenos Aires ) and another in Buenos Aires (with artists from Córdoba ).

Likewise, if we focus on the second example, the expression refers to the fact that, just as there are certain issues that an employee does not tolerate from his boss , there are also situations that a boss does not tolerate from his employee.


The idea of ​​vice versa refers to a certain reciprocity.

Its use in everyday speech

It should be noted that the use of the word vice versa is not so common in everyday speech, despite not being difficult to understand or place in a sentence. In part, the reason for its absence in popular language may be because it offers a concision that is not typical of orality .

When speaking we tend to use an excess of words, although this is not necessarily reflected in greater richness, since not all of them are different or complementary. Let's look at a sentence in which the sender could have taken advantage of the term vice versa to economize his message : «He never calls me; Well, I don't call him either . Needless to say, the following version is more elegant and does not entail loss of information: "He never calls me, and vice versa."

The idea of ​​vice versa and the lack of emotion in expression

The problem with economy and brevity when expressing ourselves begins when it takes away the naturalness of the message, when it attacks the emotional content . In the examples in the previous paragraph it is noted that the brief version is less spontaneous, it does not seem to include emotions but simply a series of data required by the interlocutor, as if he had asked the sender how often he communicates by telephone with a third party.

By repeating the words of the first proposition to indicate that the same thing happens in both senses, we have the opportunity to intone this second part in different ways, to express the sensations that the story causes in us, something that is almost impossible with the use of vice versa. . Abundance, in this case, gives us the possibility of showing disappointment, of showing a certain degree of guilt or joy, among other emotions, in the situation, and that is necessary to communicate orally, since we do not always say directly "I am sad." » or «distressed», but we usually denote it through intonation and gestures .

a rock band

Viceversa , on the other hand, is the name of a rock band that existed in Spain between 1985 and 1988 . In its beginnings, the group accompanied the musician Joaquín Sabina , with whom they released three albums. Viceversa then began performing and recording solo, releasing two more albums.

In 1992 , in Barcelona , ​​another band called Viceversa was formed, in this case dedicated to techno music . This is a musical project headed by brothers Carlos and Ángel Beato .