Definition of



A vibration can be a shaking movement.

Vibration derives from vibratĭo , a word from the Latin language. It is about the process and consequence of vibrating : making something move, oscillate, tremble or move. The concept can be used in different ways according to the context .

In the field of physics , a vibration occurs when elastic waves propagate that cause tension and deformation in a continuous medium. It can be said that vibrations involve movements that are repeated around an equilibrium position (which is the resulting position when the force is zero).

Vibration in earthquakes

It should be noted that elastic waves are tensional alterations that diffuse through an elastic medium. When an earthquake occurs, a vibration of the surface is recorded since there are elastic waves (in this case called seismic waves ) that propagate.

Earthquakes, also known as earthquakes , are phenomena characterized by a strong shaking of the Earth's crust that usually lasts a short time, although in some cases it leaves terrible consequences, such as the destruction of towns and cities, in addition to a large number of deaths and injuries. injured.


The vibration of the vocal cords allows us to produce sounds.

The concept in music

In music, the concept of vibration is essential, since it is thanks to this phenomenon of physics that most instruments can emit sounds; In fact, even those that do not seem to depend on it, such as wind blowers, also take advantage of it to enrich the timbre of sounds every time the air comes into contact with their walls.

Just like many other species of animals, human beings have the so-called vocal cords , which are not actually cords themselves, but a set of membranous lips or folds that vibrate and produce different sounds. It all begins with inhalation, since the air is responsible for gently rubbing the strings to generate said movement and maintain it as long as necessary. Sound also causes the vibration of certain bone parts, known as resonators , which function as natural amplifiers.

Molecular and electronic vibration

A molecular vibration is one that affects atoms of a molecule . The vibrations can be bending (which modify the angle between two bonds) or tension (they generate a continuous alteration in the distance that exists between the atoms around the axis of the bond).

The idea of ​​electronic vibration , on the other hand, refers to the movement made by electrons when they move through the conductors and components of a system where a potential difference is applied.

A trembling movement

In everyday language, vibration is the trembling movement that something makes . A cell phone (mobile) in a vibrating state , for example, is one that begins to move repeatedly when a call or message comes in.

Video games are also related to this concept, since many of the current controls include motors that vibrate when the program requires it, to intensify game situations such as a crash, a blow or an explosion . The first company that made these motors popular was Nintendo , when in 1997 it launched an accessory for its Nintendo 64 console called Rumble Pak , which had to be inserted into the bottom part of the controller and required the use of two AAA batteries to work.

It wasn't long before other companies copied the Japanese giant's idea, and soon this function became a fundamental feature of video game controllers, so many young people are unaware that Nintendo promoted it. Currently, on the other hand, it is no longer necessary to use batteries if the controller is connected by cable, since it receives power directly from the console.