Definition of


Wooden dolls shaking hands

The verbal contract is established with the oral consent of the parties.

Verbal is an adjective used to refer to what is linked to the word : the linguistic unit with meaning that is separated from others by spaces in writing or pauses in pronunciation . This term originates from the late Latin word verbālis . Word , for its part, also refers to the ability to speak .

Many times the notion of a word is associated with what is done only by speaking , without being expressed in writing or in any other way.

Verbal contract

A verbal contract is one that is established with the oral consent of the parties. This means that a verbal contract generates effects with the spoken agreement. Although this type of contract is valid from a legal point of view, if a conflict arises it is difficult to find evidentiary elements: they require the intervention of witnesses or the confession of parties. For this reason, most contracts are written down and are not just verbal.

The scope and terms of a verbal contract are based on good faith and trust between the parties involved. This means that all of them must clearly understand the terms of the contract and agree to them before the transaction takes place. In some cases, the parties may agree to formalize the verbal contract through a written document to avoid misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

It is important to keep in mind that some types of contracts must necessarily be in writing to be valid , such as real estate contracts or those that involve large sums of money. It is therefore advisable that, wherever possible, all business agreements be documented in writing to ensure that all parties are legally protected in the event of disputes or problems.

The verbal contract can have many applications, whether in the commercial, work or personal sphere. Some common examples include:

  • business agreements : verbal contracts can be used to establish commercial agreements between companies or individuals, such as agreements for the provision of services or the supply of products;
  • labor contracting – In some cases, employers may reach verbal agreements with employees regarding wages, work hours, and other employment terms;
  • Personal agreements : Verbal contracts can also be used on a personal level , such as in rental agreements between friends or family, or in loan agreements between individuals;
  • Financial transactions : In some cases, financial transactions may be based on verbal contracts, such as agreements to borrow small sums of money between friends or family.

verbal expression

What is communicated through words is known as verbal expression . When a person speaks, he uses verbal expression . On the other hand, body expression does not appeal to words, but to postures, gestures, etc.

People talking in a classroom

Verbal expression is communicated through words.

Verbal expressions can be idiomatic (their meaning cannot be deduced simply from the words that compose them), or colloquial or informal (they are used in a specific context). They can be very useful to improve the fluency and naturalness of communication in spoken language . By using them in everyday conversation, you can demonstrate a deeper knowledge of the language and improve your ability to communicate with native speakers.

Sometimes a differentiation is established between the verbal and the physical . A man who insults another is committing verbal aggression ; If, however, he punches you, it is a physical attack. Verbal aggression, therefore, can cause moral suffering, but not bodily injury.