Definition of



The sale is a commercial operation.

From the Latin vendĭta , sale is the action and effect of selling (transferring ownership of something to another person after payment of an agreed price). The term is used both to name the operation itself and the quantity of things that are sold. For example: "The sale of cakes was a success: we have raised more than two hundred pesos" , "My father informed me that the sale of the factory was suspended due to certain legal obstacles" , "Juan Antonio is dedicated to the sale of real estate" .

The sale is also the contract through which one's own thing is transferred to another's domain for the agreed price. The sale can be something potential (a product that is for sale but has not yet been purchased) or an already completed operation (in this case, it necessarily implies the purchase).

Direct and home sales

It is important to keep in mind that within this sector it is common to talk about what is known as direct sales . It is a term that comes to express that which is carried out outside a commercial premises, specifically it is that which is carried out directly to the consumer frequently in their home or in places where a personalized demonstration is given.

Home sales are also known as those in which it is essential that the seller not only develop a forceful, attractive and convincing oral presentation of the product or service but also take careful care of non-verbal communication. In this way, we refer to your clothing, your gestures, your smile and looking directly into the eyes of the future client.


E-commerce makes online sales possible.


Nowadays, with the inevitable development of the Internet, there has been an explosion of another type of sale, online.

This consists of the consumer accessing the website of a company in question where they will learn about all the products it offers. This way you will choose the one you want, give your credit card information and comfortably receive the item you have purchased at your home.

The purchase-sale operation

We usually talk about purchase and sale to refer to the bilateral operation where the seller delivers a specific thing to the buyer, who pays a price for it. Typically, this payment is made in money , since if another object is chosen in exchange, we are dealing with a barter .

The sale of products or services constitutes the basis of company operations. Through these sales, companies earn income. Being profitable will depend on many other factors, such as cost management.

It should be noted that material things can be sold (such as a computer or a ball) or symbolic things (such as a soccer player's pass).

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that Venta is also known as the house that, fundamentally years ago, was established on the roads to be able to offer accommodation and food to all travelers who passed through them.