Definition of



The set of vegetables in an area is known as vegetation.

Vegetation is the group of plants that exist in a certain geographical space. It may be the flora of the land ( native vegetation ) or imported species.

The notion of vegetation, from the Latin vegetatio , does not mention any specific taxon. That is, vegetation can be composed of plants with different characteristics and in very varied geographical situations.

Importance of vegetation

The concept allows naming everything from virgin forests to groups of wild bushes or gardens designed by a landscaper. For example: “The vegetation in this province is lush,” “I want to go on vacation to a place where there is a lot of vegetation and animals,” “Pollution makes the vegetation in this type of city increasingly scarce.”

It is necessary to take into account that vegetation is not only important from the point of view of the landscape or visual appeal, but it is vital for the generation of oxygen , soil conservation and the so-called carbon cycle.


Vegetation has great ecological importance.

Classification according to type

There are various types of vegetation depending on the environment in which it is found. Aquatic vegetation is that which adapts to water or environments with a high level of humidity. These plants live in ponds, swamps, deltas or lagoons, either completely submerged or with floating leaves.

Other types of vegetation are gypsophilous vegetation (which appears in gypsum soils) and halophilic vegetation (typical of soils with a high salt index).

Vegetations in the adenoids

They are called vegetations in the adenoids and other glands of the lymphatic system that have the purpose of protecting the body from childhood infections and are located in the back of the nose, between what is commonly known as the bell and the palate. . Adenoid vegetation is a medical concept that refers to the excessive development of the tonsils and lymph follicles.

As the child grows, these glands increase in size (up to four years of age); Then their size begins to decrease until they disappear completely. When an infection occurs in the vegetations, that is, they become inflamed, the respiratory and auditory passages are blocked; This is due to its location.

The main symptoms when the vegetations become inflamed are obstruction of the nasal passages that in some cases leads to sinusitis, low voice, snoring and abundant mucus. It can also be accompanied by intense ear pain and even suppuration.

Consequences of infection

The consequences of this infection can be deformations in the palate, which makes it difficult, leading to complications in the teething process (because the child cannot breathe properly through the nose and begins to do so through the mouth), bad breath (due to breathing through the mouth), respiratory arrest or obstructive apnea (due to exaggerated enlargement of the tonsils), otitis (and if repeated over a prolonged period of time, it could cause perforation of the eardrum and other malformations).

For this infection to be diagnosed, it is necessary for the doctor to palpate the children and take an x-ray to determine exactly what the problem is. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment with medication is recommended, the objective of which is to reduce the vegetation until it is completely eliminated.

In some cases, surgery is also used to end this problem . This occurs when the obstruction of the nose is absolute, the patient suffers from deep attacks of catarrh, regular suppuration in the ears or bronchitis. In this case, it is strictly necessary that both the child and his or her family follow the surgeon's instructions in order for the recovery to be complete.