Definition of

concurrent vectors


Concurrent vectors pass through the same point.

Vector is a concept with several uses. In this case, we are interested in its meaning in the field of physics , which indicates that a vector is a magnitude defined by its value, its direction, its direction and its point of application. Concurrent , on the other hand, is that which concurs (that is, that comes together or coincides with something else).

Vectors can be classified in different ways according to their characteristics . Those that pass through the same point are called concurrent vectors . Because passing through said point gives rise to the creation of an angle, concurrent vectors are also called angular vectors.

Examples of concurrent vectors

Suppose two helicopters take off from the same point . One of the aircraft is heading east and the other is heading west. Both helicopters follow a route that can be represented with a vector; Since they have the same point of application, they are concurrent vectors.

Take the case of an architect who draws the window of a room. On the plane , to represent the window, make a rectangle with four vectors: A , B , C and D. According to what was expressed above, we can say that A and B , B and C , C and D , and D and A are concurrent vectors, since they intersect. On the other hand, A and C are not concurrent vectors, nor are B and D.


It is important to keep in mind that there are multiple types of vectors.

Main features

One of the aspects that makes vectors so particular within the field of physics is that they not only represent an isolated value, but also combine a length with an orientation , and it is thanks to this that they are such versatile tools, with so many applications in different fields.

As can be deduced from the previous paragraphs, vectors can be used in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces, and it is in the latter where we find them most often: the examples presented above show a case in three dimensions (helicopters) and another in two (the window).

Concurrent vectors in a rope pulling a box

Making use of the aforementioned versatility of vectors and their many fields of application, let's think of an example that complements the previous two. In this case, they will not represent the movement of a vehicle or a series of segments drawn to find an appropriate design: they will be two or more ropes that pull objects from the same point.

If we tie a rope around a heavy box and let both ends emerge from the knot, we can share its weight with another person, since each person can pull one of them. In this case, the concurrent vectors clearly demonstrate the concept of vector addition , since even though there are two different orientations and forces, the box will only move in one direction .

In the second image it can be seen that from the same starting point of the two concurrent vectors drawn in red a third arises, concurrent to both, which indicates the direction in which the object tied with the rope and pulled by two people would move.

The formula to calculate the value of this new vector is also found in the image: you simply have to add the corresponding components .

To represent the sum graphically, it is possible to use the parallelogram method : it consists of drawing two lines, each one parallel to one of the vectors and passing through the other end, so that when they cross they intersect at a point that serves to close the figure. This point will be the end of the new vector.

Beyond concurrent vectors, other classes of vectors are unit vectors , collinear vectors , coplanar vectors , parallel vectors , and opposite vectors .