Definition of


Man touching his forehead

Fainting is a fainting spell resulting from an illness.

A fainting spell is a fainting spell . It is the consequence of an illness that affects a person's senses .

Fainting is often used as a synonym for fainting (a fainting spell with loss of consciousness). Fainting can be caused by many different types of disorders. As we will see below, fainting can occur for many reasons.


The causes of fainting can be very diverse, and include syncope, vertigo, taking certain medications, and having a panic attack. When fainting is associated with syncope , the individual faints because the brain receives less blood than it needs, usually due to a drop in blood pressure or heart rate. A heart problem or stroke can cause this type of fainting, as can minor problems such as low blood pressure caused by standing up too quickly.

Regarding vertigo , it affects those who experience a disturbance in their balance when they feel that their body or surroundings are moving. An ear infection or inflammation can cause vertigo and lead to fainting. Medications that can cause dizziness also tend to cause dizziness that precedes loss of consciousness. A panic attack , on the other hand, causes hyperventilation as a symptom preceding fainting.

When faced with this situation, it is best to go to a doctor for a diagnosis . The professional can perform an examination and order various tests to determine the reason for the fainting spells and thus establish whether there is any disease or other problem that is affecting the health . In no case should someone who suffers from fainting spells try to discover the alleged reason or self-medicate.

Warning signs

Fainting often occurs after various warning signs, which we should pay attention to in order to act in time and minimize the risk of injury from falls or blows . Since the causes can be so many and so diverse, a definitive list of signs or symptoms cannot be drawn up, but each person must learn to detect them, generally with the help of a doctor.

Dizziness is not only a cause, but can also serve as a warning that we are about to faint . If it is a sign of a stroke , then it is usually accompanied by difficulties in speaking or moving the arms, as well as noticing that one half of the face has lost its elasticity.

In turn, dizziness can appear when changing position suddenly; for example, when standing up or sitting down quickly, something that is more frequent in older people, but age is not a depriving factor . In any case, when faced with a sign like this it is important to find a safe place to lie down or sit with your back supported to avoid a fall if the condition leads to fainting.

Blurred trees

Dizziness is both a cause and a sign of fainting.

Even if we are crossing the street, doctors recommend that we lie down and trust that drivers will act compassionately, since running towards the curb can be more dangerous . Going down a staircase is another action that can put us at risk if we faint; in this case we should not worry about other people either, since our physical integrity can depend on acting in a fraction of a second.


The etymology of the term vahído takes us back to the Latin vagar , which derives from the verb vacare («to be empty or unoccupied, to show wandering behaviour»). This, in turn, is linked to the adjective vagus («inconstant, vagabond, floating»). Note that there are other words in Spanish that are related to them, such as ser vacío (empty), vacía (vacant), vagar (vagrant) and vacuo (vacuum ).