Definition of



A unit of measurement is a quantity that, valued according to a certain parameter, allows us to reflect a physical magnitude.

From the Latin unĭtas , the word unity allows us to name a certain property of things that is related to the impossibility of division or separation . It is not possible, therefore, to divide or separate a unit without modifying its integrity or essence.

For example: "In the insurance policy the home is considered to be a unit, beyond its various rooms and spaces" , "I am going to take three units of that item" , "Our government will defend the territorial unity of the State" .

The unit is also something unique in terms of quantity, numbering or specificity: "We sold forty units of this model," "There are no more units left, we are going to have to call the supplier."

Unity in mathematics and in the military field

Other uses of the concept appear in mathematics, in the military sphere and in urban planning. For mathematics , the unit is a quantity that allows comparisons or measurements to be established with other things with the same characteristics. In the military field , it is a division or group that is part of the armed forces. Regarding urban planning , a unit is known as the homes that make up a building and are called, depending on the country, apartments, apartments or flats.

Focusing on the military field, we can emphasize that any unit of this type, as an integral part of the aforementioned Armed Forces of a country, is made up of a group of human and material resources that give meaning to it and that are also the that allow it to function as expected to achieve the established objectives.

In this sense, we can emphasize that each aforementioned military unit is made up of aerial vehicles, whether helicopters or airplanes, as well as means of land transportation, ships, the corresponding commanders and soldiers, or the relevant weapons.


A disk drive is a device that is used to read or write to different kinds of disks.

The term in measurement

When the notion of unit of measurement is used, reference is made to a quantity that, after obtaining its valuation according to a parameter or other units that were previously defined, reflects a certain physical magnitude.

In this way, it can be established that there is even an International System of Units that establishes the units that must be used to carry out the measurement of the various existing magnitudes. In this case, these are seven: temperature, length, time, amount of substance, mass, electrical intensity or luminous intensity.

As examples, we find the fact that to measure length there are various units that can be used according to our interests and that all of them are related. This would be the case of the millimeter, the centimeter, the meter, the kilometer, the mile or the light year.

And the same thing happens, for example, when measuring time since we have universal units such as the second, the minute or the hour. However, the basic unit to perform this function is the aforementioned second.

Disk drive

As for the notion of disk drive , it is a term that, in computing , refers to devices that allow writing or reading on different types of disks.

In this way, it can be said that a CD or DVD reader is a disk drive, to mention one possibility.