Definition of


Vineyard at dawn

An especially fertile soil is considered uber-fertile.

The etymology of uberrimo takes us to uberrĭmus , a word from the Latin language. The term allows you to qualify that which stands out for its fertility or its abundance .

Some examples

Let's see this term in context through the following example sentences: “This region is a great territory for the development of agriculture , since all types of species can be grown here,” “The great cultural heritage of our nation must be disseminated.” among the new generations” , “In this uber-rich soil no one would have to go hungry.”


At first glance, we can intuit that the term uber-most is a superlative , since its ending is the same as that of the adjective paupérrimo , which designates that which presents poverty at its highest degree, which could not be poorer. However, in our language, uberrimo is not a superlative, but rather descends from one, the Latin uberrimus .

This, for its part, is formed from the adjective uber, uberis , whose meaning is "fertile, rich, fecund, book ", which is directly related to the noun uber, uberis which means "breast (of a female). animal or human), udder.

This link between breast milk and wealth can be seen in many cultures for a long time. For example, in the myth of the ages, which presents a Golden Age in which milk flowed from the virgin land and filled the rivers. As a curiosity, the word happy was first used for lands to describe them as prosperous and rich, before being used as we do today.

It is important to note that at the root of happy we find the actions of "sucking" and "breastfeeding." Finally, we must mention that both the terms udder and exuberant have the same Indo-European root *euƏdh , which is associated with fertility and the woman's breast.

In context

Take the case of the apple harvest . If, due to meteorological reasons, productive investment and other factors, in a given year that harvest is large, it can be classified as superb .

Let us now imagine a tradition that has been developing for more than four centuries . Generation after generation, certain rituals and practices were propagated and enriched. It is possible to affirm that it is a magnificent and vast tradition .

Finca El Ubérrimo

El Ubérrimo , on the other hand, is the name of the agricultural farm of former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe . As the president explained in a journalistic interview, the hacienda was named that way more than a century ago, taking the meaning of superb that appears in the Bible , linked to fertile lands.

The farm is located in the department of Córdoba and is usually used by the Uribe family to rest. It is estimated that El Ubérrimo has a surface area between 1,300 and 1,500 hectares, according to the statements of its owner. In other words, it could accommodate around 3,000 football fields.

Freshly harvested apple

An abundant harvest is also considered superb.

Regarding its surface, we must point out that it was the focus of a long speculation that was revived when Uride was sentenced to house arrest. At that time, some sources of questionable reliability even said that the farm had an area of ​​123 thousand hectares . However, this information was denied in a short time, showing that several entire towns in the Córdoba region fit into such a space.

non-fiction book

“By the paths of El Ubérrimo” , meanwhile, is the title of a non-fiction book written by Iván Cepeda and Alirio Uribe . The work revolves around Colombian problems such as land eviction and paramilitarism.