Definition of



Mentoring can contribute to an individual's academic, professional, and personal growth.

In order to perfectly understand the meaning of the term tutoring that concerns us now, it is important that we first establish what its etymological origin is. Thus, in this sense, it must be emphasized that this word comes from Latin and is made up of the sum of three clearly delimited nuclei: tueri, which is synonymous with "protect" or "watch over", tor , which can be defined as "agent", and finally the suffix – ia which is equivalent to “quality”.

Guardianship is the authority conferred to take care of a person and/or their property in cases where, due to minority or other reasons, they do not have full civil capacity. Guardianship also refers to the direction or protection of one person over another and to the position of guardian.

Tutoring as instruction and support

At an educational level, the tutorial function is part of the teachers' task. It is understood as an individualizing and personalized element that tends to recognize the diversity of the students. Tutoring is done on a person and not on a group.

Tutoring generally goes beyond formal instruction and encompasses all the experiences that lead to a well-rounded education. The tutor does not limit himself to transmitting the knowledge included in a study plan, but works to foster positive attitudes and values ​​in the child .

Tutoring is understood as a process of accompaniment during the training of students , which is carried out through personalized attention. Some of its objectives are the solution of school problems and the improvement of social coexistence.


Mentoring can be an important part of a young person's training.

The concept in secondary education

Precisely in this sense we have to emphasize that tutoring is a vital tool in the field of secondary education since in high schools it is increasingly common for serious problems such as mobbing to occur. Hence, this meeting between tutor and student, in a climate of cordiality and trust, allows the latter individual to feel at ease and is able to communicate that he is the target of his classmates to mock and humiliate him.

In this way, the teacher-tutor will be aware of said bullying and will be able to implement the tools at his disposal to put an end to it and especially to act against the harassing student or students who will suffer the consequences of such an act. guy.

Likewise, tutoring is also very useful to get students to ask them about the problems they may have in certain subjects, not only due to their personal issues regarding learning but also due to the type of class taught by a teacher in question.

Benefits of school tutoring

Tutoring also seeks to reduce failure rates and reduce dropout rates. It is used to provide compensatory or complementary teaching to those students who have learning difficulties or who cannot successfully participate in regular teaching programs.

It is important to keep in mind that a tutor should not provide answers, but rather has to support the student in solving the problems.