Definition of


organic substance

Peat is an organic substance that can be used as fuel.

Peat is a word with two different meanings, which depend on its etymological origin. When it comes from the French tourbe , the notion of peat is used to name an organic substance that can be used as fuel .

Peat, in this sense, is a material composed of plant residues that accumulate in a swampy area. It has a somewhat spongy consistency, has a significant presence of carbon and has a dark tone.

Peat as an organic substance

When vegetables begin their transformation into mineral charcoal , the first step involves their progressive carbonification as they rot. Peat is the result of these first changes, which develop slowly since, in the swamps , there is little oxygen, the water is very acidic and there are not as many microbes.

Peat can be used as organic fertilizer to increase the quality of soil for cultivation and gardening activities. When the moisture is removed, on the other hand, peat becomes a type of fuel.

Although peat is used in agriculture , forestry and horticulture, it is in the latter area where it is most used, as a growing substrate. Among the benefits it provides is the increase in the barrier effect, the dragging and washing of nutrients and the improvement of the conditions so that the roots penetrate the soil and develop properly.

Its use in aquariums

We must not forget either that this type of peat is used when it comes to keeping aquariums in perfect condition. Specifically, it must be stated that several types of it, exactly those that give shape to the Sphagnum genus, are those that are used in this type of aquatic infrastructure to create the perfect habitat for the species that live there.

Sphagnum cymbifolium and Sphagnum acutifolium are the two varieties used for aquariums. They are characterized because they acquire the following properties like peat:

  • They have a dark appearance, practically black.
  • They must be presented in the form of fibers, no more than 2 centimeters long.
  • They should not have any type of fertilizers among their components.

The effectiveness that peat will have in those spaces will depend on both the quality of the water and the quantity that must be treated or the duration of the filtering process. However, it is essential that in addition to all these aspects, this type of mud is properly cared for before being placed in the aquariums. And only in this way will it be able to carry out its functions in the most convenient way possible.

Specifically, experts advise subjecting the peat to appropriate hydration and then squeezing it and, if this is required because its color is not ideal, boiling it.


The spontaneous and disorganized grouping of people is known as a mob.

Other uses of peat

But peat is not only used in these sectors; Thanks to its great versatility, it can be very useful as an absorbent material (to protect the environment ), as a construction material or even play an important role in medicinal treatments and therapies.

Its use as an ecological absorbent serves to clean the water of hydrocarbons that have been spilled by boats. Because peat becomes hydrophobic when subjected to a temperature shock, it is able to prevent water absorption and focus on hydrocarbons for approximately 48 hours. Some sectors in which this application is usually used are fire services, service stations and road transportation.

Sphagnum peat (also called sphagnum or sphaigne peat ) has ideal properties for biofiltration in wastewater systems. It is a very porous and stable fibrous material , capable of filtering and retaining the flow in the percolation process, which is very favorable for the biodegradation of the elements in the water that encounter the microorganisms when they reach the biofilter. If a measure like this were not taken, the consequences could be harmful to the environment.

Regarding its therapeutic use, peat is very good for certain body care, and also allows it to replace algae in cases of allergies. Peat mud activates blood circulation and offers perfect relaxation when combined with a massage, thanks to its thermal potential. It is worth mentioning that its effects are far superior to those of clay and algae; In addition, they allow you to take advantage of the benefits of vitamins, lipids, polyphenols, humic acids and trace elements.

Furthermore, we must not forget that curiously in some places peat is used to dry the components that give shape to whiskey.

A group of people

If the term peat derives from the Latin peat , however, it is used in a different way. A mob, in this case, is a group of people that acts in a spontaneous and poorly organized manner.

For example: “An angry mob entered a municipality building and destroyed the mayor's office,” “To develop the project, we have to have planning: we cannot act like a mob,” “It is believed that the man was “murdered by an angry mob that entered his home and took justice into their own hands.”