Definition of


pink car

The idea of ​​tuning usually refers to modifying the factory features of a car.

Tuning is an English word that can refer to setting up , adjusting or tuning something. The term is usually used to mention the modification that is made to the characteristics of a car with the intention of personalizing it.

Tuning, in this way, consists of altering the characteristics that the vehicle comes with from the factory . These modifications can be exterior (on the bodywork) or interior (which change mechanical aspects). The result of the operation is a personalized car , with characteristics that make it unique.

Tuning development

In the 1940s the first tuning practices began to be carried out. Over the years it became a very popular trend, with thousands of followers and even specialized publications.

Tuning, however, can mean that a vehicle can no longer legally circulate on public roads due to the changes made to the factory properties (in some cases the result is too similar to that of racing cars).

The wheels , suspension , seats , audio system and engine are some of the sectors of the vehicle that can be tuned. Many times, the owners of tuned cars exhibit them at shows and meetings.


In computing, tuning is referred to as modding.

The modding

In the field of computing , tuning is also known as modding . In this case, what is modified are the computers, both the cabinet with its components and the peripheral accessories (the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse, etc.).

Making the internal components visible and installing lights are some of the most common changes in this type of tuning or modding. On the other hand, advanced users also pay close attention to the cooling of the tower, since they tend to demand a lot of performance from their processors, both the main one ( CPU ) and the graphics one ( GPU ); There is a constant discussion between those who prefer traditional wind-based systems and those who prefer liquid cooling.

Tuning a computer does not cost as much money as tuning a car, but the proportion is equivalent: while a normal user invests a moderate amount once every many years to have a computer that allows them to perform basic tasks, such as like checking their email account, reading the news and keeping their social media profiles up to date, gamers and software developers can spend a large part of their income each year preventing inevitable technological advances from making their equipment obsolete. .

Fine tuning

There is a concept called fine tuning , often translated as "fine tuning" or "fine adjustment " , which is often used to refer to the image configuration of a television . In the same way as with computers, many people buy this appliance with the simple objective of watching their favorite content but they do not pay attention to the image quality, beyond what advertisements or sellers in a physical store may tell them. . However, those people with a keen eye can spend months before deciding on the television that fits their needs and, once they have purchased it, days and weeks adjusting its properties.

For image experts, the terms brightness, contrast and sharpness , among many others, are not simple options: they represent great challenges in their struggle to obtain "the perfect image" for which they have paid. Thanks to the possibilities that the Internet gives us, there is a lot of information available to achieve good fine tuning if we do not have much experience, and there are also forums in which we can ask for help and engage in very enriching exchanges with users from all over the world.