Definition of


hollow piece

A tube is a hollow, cylindrical piece.

A tube is a hollow piece that is usually cylindrical in shape and is usually open at both ends. The union of multiple tubes allows the creation of a pipe , a conduit that allows the transport of water or another liquid.

Tubes, from the Latin tubus , can be made of various materials, according to technical and economic needs. Iron, steel , copper, lead and PVC are some of the most common materials.

The union of the tubes

A pipe, on the other hand, can be constructed from three basic manufacturing methods: seamless (helps contain pressure thanks to its homogeneity), longitudinal seam (a straight weld that follows a generatrix) or helical seam (the welding is done in a spiral).

Pipes allow drinking water to be transported to residential houses or facilitate the removal of sewage or sewage. Some pipelines have specific names: when the pipeline transports oil , it is known as an oil pipeline , while the pipeline that transports gas is called a gas pipeline .


The union of tubes forms a pipe.

A type of container

However, we should not overlook the fact that, colloquially, the term tube is also used to refer to an elongated, cylindrical container that usually contains different types of gels inside. Specifically, we find tubes of toothpaste, gel, glue, paint or ointments.

Those are also characterized by being closed with a screw cap and because in order to obtain the material they keep inside, what you have to do is press them.

Other types of tubes

But there are more types of tube. Thus, for example, in the scientific field we talk about what is called a test tube . This is defined by being a glass tube open at the top that allows me to carry out different chemical tests and tests in it.

In the same way, we must not forget what is known as the intestinal tube . This is a word that is used in the field of biology and veterinary science to refer to the set of intestines that a specific animal has.

Another variety of tube is the one used in the automotive field. In this sector we talk about the so-called exhaust pipes . These are the cylindrical type that cars, motorcycles or mopeds have and that are used to evacuate, from the inside of them to what would be the outside, the set of combustion gases generated by these vehicles. These tubes usually generate noise pollution, so it is advisable to install a silencer.

In water sports such as surfing , a tube is a maneuver that is performed based on the particular characteristics of certain waves. The wave, upon impacting the bottom of the break, generates a hollow space; There the athlete takes his board on board. If the tube breaks, the person may suffer some type of physical damage.

The notion of tube, finally, is used as a synonym for valve in the field of electronics . Valves or tubes, therefore, are elements that are part of radio and television sets.