Definition of



A globetrotter is someone who travels very frequently, traveling the world.

A globetrotter is a human being who travels very frequently and who, along the way, visits different countries. Although it may seem strange, the term globetrotter (singular) is not accepted by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) .

For example: “All my life I was a globetrotter: I grew up in Uruguay, I studied in Chile, I worked in Argentina and now I live in Paraguay,” “The team hired a true globetrotter who played in eight countries as reinforcement,” “Santiago is tired .” of being a globetrotter and wants to settle permanently in one place.”

What is a globetrotter

Generally, the notion of globetrotter is associated with adventure and getting to know new places. A globetrotter, by traveling through different regions, can meet people, soak up different cultures and learn several languages. At some point, however, becoming a globetrotter can become a negative thing : the globetrotter cannot settle down anywhere and the lack of a stable social group can be burdensome for certain people.

As expected, not all globetrotters discover their passion for traveling in the same way or at the same age: some people, given their upbringing, feel from a young age the desire to cross their borders and discover new horizons ; Others, however, reach a certain age believing that they do not need to set foot on another soil, but a series of unexpected circumstances lead them to encounter that thirst for change that they had not known until then.


The Harlem Globetrotters are a basketball team that combines sports and comedy.

Its origins

Continuing with this point of view, it is worth mentioning that the type of upbringing can directly influence the taste for traveling. Patriotism taken to the extreme , for example, tends to reject ideologies and products from abroad, to take the national as the only valid and necessary option; Children who grow up in environments with these characteristics cannot "look outside" and many decide to retain this way of thinking even when they achieve independence. It is understandable that many globetrotters do not emerge from families with ideas of this kind.

On the other hand, there are parents who encourage their children to learn foreign languages ​​and appreciate the art and cultures of other countries . Literature is a source of incomparable wealth and can open us to the world without having to leave our home, which is why uncensored reading is an ideal ingredient to foster the love of traveling. When a person's upbringing does not establish barriers between them and knowledge, the chances of wanting to fly and discover other countries, other races, other sounds increase.

On the Internet there are various guides for globetrotters, which contain very useful information for those who arrive in a country they did not know and need to find a place to sleep and a job. However, not everyone is looking for a similar experience: some want to settle down for a while and organize their life in the most similar way to a resident, while others prioritize their freedom and are happy to sleep rough and have a small budget. .

The Harlem Globetrotters

On the other hand, the Harlem Globetrotters , or Harlem Globetrotters in its original language, is a famous basketball team that travels the world with a show that combines sport and comedy. Unlike most conventional teams, the Globetrotters are not part of a league or participate in tournaments, but instead go on tours and exhibitions.

The fame of this team is so great that an animated series has even been developed in their honor. The show, created by Hanna-Barbera , featured players as superheroes with special powers.