Definition of



A barter is the result of exchanging two elements.

Trocar is a verb that can be used to refer to a modification or a change . For example: “The government announced that it is going to change the name of the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Security and Control” , “With some measures, we can change the recession into progress” , “I think the world should change violence for the dialogue.”

Based on these meanings, the concept is used in different contexts. The act and result of bartering is known as barter : “I suggested exchanging my motorcycle for his car, but he still hasn't decided,” “This weekend there will be a barter market in my neighborhood square: I'm going to try to exchange the books that I have already read for others” , “Do you want to exchange your furniture for mine? “This way we would both renovate the home without spending money.”

Barter can also be linked to a change of position or location: “I think I'm going to change Agustín's sector: it seems to me that he will be more useful in the Sales Department than in the administrative area” , “I proposed to that man that “We exchanged seats, but he did not accept,” “Both clubs agreed to exchange their goalkeepers.”

The trocar as a surgical instrument

It is important to note that the term trocar can also come from the French word trocart . In this case, a trocar is an element that is used in surgical interventions . It is a punch, covered by a cannula (a hollow tube), whose tip is triangular in shape. Laparoscopy , to cite one case, is performed with a trocar (known as a laparoscopic trocar ).

The trocar as a surgical instrument requires the use of a sleeve to act as an access port while performing an intervention . Regarding the design of its tip, it is worth mentioning that it is constantly evolving, largely as a result of the search for more suitable materials for operations. Transparency, for example, is one of the most important factors when placing the trocar inside the thoracic or abdominal cavity.

It is a very simple instrument, since it is nothing more than a metal tube of little apparent complexity that is used to insert robotic devices. In addition to metal, they have a disposable plastic valve , thanks to which the useful life of the trocar is extended. There are many inserts (also called stylets ) with various designs to be placed in the body cavity causing almost negligible trauma.


The laparoscopic trocar is a surgical instrument.

Your story

Although the appearance of a current trocar shows it as a cutting-edge item, it is interesting to note that similar devices have been used for centuries: as early as 30 BC. C. Aulus Cornelius Celsus talks about one of his predecessors in the encyclopedia "De Medicina " , composed of eight books, where he discussed topics such as surgery , pharmacy and diet; Almost a millennium later, the doctor Albucasis described a very similar instrument in his encyclopedia titled "Kitab al-Tasrif" . Of course, the name trocar did not appear until the 18th century and comes from French, as mentioned above.

At that time, the trocar was used to drain gases or liquids from the body ; In the field of urology they served to guide surgical scopes inside the bladder. The first documented laparoscopy procedure dates back to 1901 , by doctor George Kelling , originally from Germany , who observed the organs in the abdomen of a dog.

Despite the constant evolution that the trocar is going through, it is interesting to note that the pyramidal tip that the American radiologist Benjamin Henry Orndoff documented in 1920 is the same type as that used today.