Definition of



A trinomial is made up of three terms.

Trinomial is a concept that can be translated as “three partitions” . In order to establish the meaning of the term trinomial, the first thing to do is determine its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that it derives from Greek, specifically it is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts:

-The prefix “tri-”, which means “three”.

-The noun “nomos”, which is equivalent to “part”.

What is a trinomial

The term is used in the field of mathematics with reference to the algebraic expression formed by three terms that are linked by the minus ( ) or plus ( + ) signs.

Trinomials are polynomials : expressions composed of a finite amount of constants (numbers) and variables (unknowns), linked together through multiplication, subtraction and/or addition. Specifically, trinomials are polynomials formed by three monomials (expressions of a single term).

An example

Let's look at an example of a trinomial:

5p + 2r – 4s

In this case, 5 , 2 and 4 are the constants ( integers ), while p , r and s are the variables of the trinomial. As you can see, the three terms or monomials of this trinomial are 5p , 2r and 4s , related by a + sign and a sign.


Trinomials are algebraic expressions.

The perfect square trinomial

The trinomial resulting from squaring a binomial is called a perfect square trinomial . Squaring a binomial is equivalent to squaring the first term, plus twice the first term multiplied by the second, plus squaring the second term. That is to say:

(a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2 ab + b 2


To describe a trinomial or any other polynomial as a product , it is necessary to resort to factorization . This technique appeals to different methods according to the mathematical objects in question, with the purpose of simplifying the mathematical expression. In this way, factorization allows a polynomial to be rewritten into different blocks known as factors.

Specifically, we can establish that within the field of Mathematics that concerns us, three forms of factorization of trinomials are used:

-The form x2 + bx + c, which requires that you know what the FOIL multiplication method is (First, Exterior, Interior and Last).

-The form of factorization that relies on simple factorization to facilitate the resolution of the most complicated problems.

-The factorization of special cases. In this group we find tasks that must be carried out such as searching for prime numbers, checking whether the trinomial is a perfect square...

Trinomia, a drug

In addition to all of the above, we have to state that if the word we are analyzing is written in the feminine, it refers to a drug, specifically a pill, which aims to considerably reduce, in the case of people who have suffered a heart attack, the chances of having another.

Trinomia is a polypill that is characterized by having three active ingredients: an antihypertensive, acetylsalicylic acid, which prevents the formation of blood clots, and a statin, which controls cholesterol levels.