Definition of


threshingTrillo is a concept originating from the Latin word tribubŭlum . The term refers to the device used for threshing .

It should be noted that, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the action of threshing consists of crushing the harvest that is on the threshing floor and separating the grains from the chaff .

Before continuing with the definition of threshing, it is advisable to specify other notions. The cereal that contains the seeds used to make bread is called harvest . The threshing floor , meanwhile, is the sector of clean, firm land that is used for threshing.

With these ideas clear, it is easy to understand what a threshing floor is. This instrument is a type of plank with blades or cutting stones on one side.

The use of the threshing floor, in short, allows you to thresh. Thanks to its trapezoidal or rectangular design , with one curved side and the blades or stones on the other, it makes it possible to separate grains and straw.

There are different types of threshing. While some barely reach one and a half meters in length, others reach up to two meters. The slats, on the other hand, also have variable measurements according to each model .

In order for it to fulfill its function, it is usual for the threshing floor to be dragged by pack animals over the threshing floor where the harvest is distributed. The oxen or mules walk in circles carrying this implement, which cuts the straw and separates the seeds as they pass. Then the threshed stuff is piled up in one place and finally cleaned.

As its proper name, Trillo is a municipality of Guadalajara, a province of Spain that is located near the center of the country, towards the northeast. Trillo is located next to the Tagus River, the largest in the entire peninsula: it cuts from east to west through its center, inclined slightly towards the southwest, particularly when reaching Portugal, where it is called Tejo .

threshingTrillo is also located in La Alcarria , a natural region that covers almost the entire center and south of Guadalajara, the southeast of Madrid and the northwest of Cuenca. Its population exceeded 1,300 inhabitants in 2017. In its heraldic shield you can see a golden castle on a golden mountain, at the top; In the lower one, you can see a silver bridge under which the water passes.

The antiquity of Trillo is considerable: during the time of the Roman Empire, it was a relatively important town , located between the territories of Carpetania and Celtiberia. Its consolidation took place after the Reconquista, when it was integrated into the Common of Villa y Tierra de Atienza .

In the year 1325, the infante Don Juan Manuel , a writer belonging to the royal house of great importance in the prose of the Middle Ages, was in charge of the construction of the Trillo castle , which stands out in the center of the municipality. Two centuries later, their Azañón and Morillejo churches were erected, and an era began in which their town prospered.

On the other hand, the term threshing is used in everyday speech as a synonym for using a word, phrase, or idea excessively to the point that it is no longer special or surprising. It is very common to find it in the field of film or television, to refer to a formula that has been used too many times, generally because the producers know that the public always receives it with open arms. Instead of the verb, the participle is usually used: "This topic is very trite."