Definition of



A brawl is a confrontation or a fight.

A brawl is a fight , a row , or a confrontation involving several individuals. To understand the meaning of the term precisely, it is important to know its etymological origin.

Specifically, we can establish that it is the result of the sum of two components of Latin:

  • The prefix tri- , which is synonymous with “three” .
  • The noun furca , which is equivalent to “fork” .

The etymological journey of brawl

The notion of trifurca was used to refer to a fork -shaped machine with three pieces that was used to drive the movement that the bellows made in the blacksmith shops, thus allowing the fire in the ovens to be at the temperature and with the necessary vigor. to introduce the metals they used.

It is considered that this device generated so much noise that trifurca began to be used, which would later lead to trifulca , as a synonym for disturbance . And hence the current meaning it has.


The idea of ​​a brawl is associated with a hubbub.

The concept today

Generally the concept refers to a conflict that arises spontaneously. In a certain context, some event occurs that triggers the struggle and leads to a brawl. This may begin with arguments and shouting and then include hitting of different types. Sometimes, the participants in the brawl use knives or firearms .

For example: “The brawl broke out after the visiting team's fifth goal, when the coach mocked the supporters ,” “Last night there was a brawl in the port neighborhood that ended with four people injured,” “The debate ended in a brawl .” among the gubernatorial candidates.”

Suppose a group of people watch a football game on television in a bar. When a team scores a goal, the supporters of that club shout loudly, something that irritates those who sympathize with the other team. Then this team gets the tie and their fans shout it even louder. The situation soon gets out of control and a brawl ensues that includes exchanges of blows and the breaking of several bottles and glasses.

Another meaning of brawl

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), on the other hand, recognizes a different meaning of brawl, associated with the etymological journey that we already mentioned.

The term, in this way, can be used to name a device that has three levers at the ends, which are used to mobilize the bellows of a metallurgical furnace .

More uses of the notion

In the same way, we cannot forget that there is also what is known as “Hero Brawl” . This is a set of special games that are made from the game designed for computers called Heroes of the Storm . In these sessions what happens is that all the established rules are broken and new and interesting achievements and rewards emerge.

Furthermore, La Trifulca is the name of a musical group from Argentina, specifically from the city of La Plata , composed of eight members and whose leader is Imanol Salinas .