Definition of

scalene triangle

sides of a triangle

The three sides of a scalene triangle have different lengths.

A scalene triangle is one that has three sides of different lengths . In other words: the three sides are different.

It is important to consider that a polygon is a plane figure that is delimited by segments. Among the different types of polygons, there are triangles : polygons formed by three segments (sides).

Characteristics of a scalene triangle

If we focus on triangles, on the other hand, we can find different types of figures . One of them is the scalene triangle, which has three different sides.

This particularity differentiates scalene triangles from equilateral triangles (the three sides measure the same) and from isosceles triangles (they have two equal sides). Scalene triangles, on the other hand, contain three interior angles that are also all different .

geometric elements

In geometry the notion of a scalene triangle is used.

Some examples

Suppose a triangle is formed by a side of 62 centimeters, a side of 42 centimeters and a side of 51 centimeters. Because the three sides have different lengths, it is a scalene triangle.

Likewise, according to what has been said about angles, if a triangle has interior angles that measure 67º, 42º and 110º, it will also be classified as a scalene triangle.

It is important to mention that, according to the measurement of their angles, scalene triangles can be right angled (they have a right angle), obtuse angles (they have an obtuse angle ) or acute angles (all their angles are acute).

Other considerations about scalene triangles

Other important information that is worth knowing about the scalene triangle that concerns us now are the following:

  • In order to carry out the calculation of the area of ​​a geometric shape of this type we have to do it using what is known as Heron's formula or other formulas depending on the data we have. Specifically, perhaps the most used option is the one that says that the area of ​​this scalene triangle is calculated by multiplying the base by the height and the result dividing it by the number 2. That is, a = b. h/2 .
  • Regarding its perimeter, we have to say that it is calculated by performing a simple sum of the measurements of each of its three sides. That assumes that the perimeter is equal to a + b + c . In the Mathematics subject taught in schools, students not only learn to calculate this value but also to draw a scalene triangle with a ruler and compass.
  • Furthermore, a triangle like the one in question is considered to be a convex polygon .
  • A singularity that manifests itself around triangles in general and specifically the scalene in question is that they are considered some of the most resistant geometric figures that exist. For this reason, it is established that they are preferred by many builders and architects when it comes to erecting any building, more specifically what its structures would be.

It should be noted that the term scalene is also used in geometry with reference to scalene trapezoids which, like triangles of this type, have all of their sides with different measurements.