Definition of


Medical professional

Traumatology is the specialty of medicine focused on trauma and its consequences.

The first thing we are going to do to discover the meaning of the term traumatology is to know its etymological origin. In this sense, we can say that it derives from Greek, specifically, it comes from the sum of two components of said language:

-The noun traumas , which can be translated as "wound."

-The name lodge , which is equivalent to "science", "speech" or "treaty".

What is traumatology

Traumatology is the branch of medicine that specializes in trauma and its consequences. Traumatology experts, known as traumatologists , study injuries that occur in the musculoskeletal system .

Although the name of this discipline refers directly to traumas (injuries generated by mechanical agents), traumatology is also dedicated to other types of injuries and disorders. In this way, it focuses its attention on everything that can affect the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

And so

Placing is one of the most common treatments in traumatology.

Its origins

The origin of traumatology is very ancient. Hippocrates ( 460 BC370 BC ) already used splints to immobilize fractured bones and achieve their recovery. Much later, from the combination of calcium sulfate and water, plasters were created to achieve immobilization.

The introduction of weights and pulleys , radiology and orthopedic devices were other advances linked to the development of traumatology worldwide .

Currently, traumatology is dedicated to the study and treatment of different injuries that can occur in the extremities and spine. Bone fractures , dislocations , sprains and different types of bruises enter its orbit of action.

Sports trauma

Within the set of branches or specialties that exist within traumatology, we can highlight the so-called sports traumatology. This, as we can imagine from the name it has, is considered sports medicine and its objectives are the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries that occur within the field of physical disciplines.

Soccer players, basketball players, swimmers and tennis players are patients of professionals specialized in sports traumatology. Doctors who, on a regular basis, deal with cases of trauma, sprains , fractures or cases of neck pain, among many others.

However, it is very common for high-level athletes to have the support of doctors of this type at all times in their daily lives. And these, through different and specific programs, will help them prevent both muscle and tendon injuries and even injuries related to ligaments. All so that their bodies are perfectly prepared to avoid fractures and traumas that could keep them away from their teams or professions for a certain time, causing them to lose the opportunity to participate in important competitions.

Different treatments

Trauma treatments can be diverse. Some are conservative, such as applying bandages or applying a cast .

Other treatments are more invasive, such as surgeries used to install screws, plates, and other items inside the body. The choice of one or another treatment is made by the professional according to the type of injury.