Definition of



A fruit can be cut crosswise.

The etymological origin of the transversal term that we are now going to analyze in depth is found in Latin and that is where we discover that it is made up of the union of several clearly differentiated parts: the prefix trans – which means “from one side to the other.” , the word versus which can be translated as “turned around” or the suffix – which is equivalent to “relative to”.

The transversal adjective can focus on the object or element that is located across from one side to the other end , or that interposes perpendicularly with what it is about. Of course, judging by theory, the term can also refer to what deviates from the straight or main orientation .

For example: “The teacher asked us to draw a segment transversal to the line” , “To get to the hospital, you must take the transversal street and go about two kilometers” , “Sometimes it is better to follow a transversal path to achieve your goals” .

The concept in geometry and politics

For geometry , a transversal line is one that has the peculiarity of crossing at least 2 other lines . In other words: a line is transversal when an intersection is achieved with any two other lines, at a pair of different points.

It should be noted that the notion of transversal is also used in the field of politics . Transversalism constitutes a current that proposes transcending the division between right and left, betting on a new ideology that seeks not to be linked to preconceived political ideas.


A transversal political movement is formed with different ideological currents.

A transversal political movement , therefore, incorporates right-wing and left-wing tendencies in its own platform since it claims to defend what is most beneficial for society as a whole, regardless of the ideological origin of the proposals.

In the same way, we also have to emphasize that we use the term transversal in the social sphere, and specifically in the family sphere, to refer to the relative that we define as collateral. That is, one that is not, so it would be a direct line.

Transversal in medicine and anatomy

And all this without forgetting that this concept that concerns us also becomes one of the most used elements in the field of Medicine and Anatomy. These are some fields where we often talk about what is known as transverse planes that are perpendicular to what is the central axis of the structure of any human being.

Going even a little deeper into this sector we find the fact that there are several types of transverse planes such as the subcostal, the interspinous, the transpyloric, the supracrestal or the intertubercular.

The notion in education

We have to make it clear that the term analyzed is also present in Education. Thus, we find the so-called transversal education, which is a concept that is used to define that which is carried out to alleviate social needs and transform them through what values ​​are.

Finally, research based on observation and of a descriptive nature typical of the social sciences is known as a transversal study . This test seeks to measure the prevalence of an exposure and what it produces in a single period of time. This type of study allows us to reflect how a condition is distributed in a particular period.