Definition of



The correct spelling for transplant is "transplant."

When we look up the term transplant in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), we may be surprised to discover that the word is not part of the publication. Transplant, after all, is a concept of massive and frequent use: the RAE , however, recognizes only the word transplant (without the N ).

In reality, the prefixes trans- and tras- can be used with the same meaning: they refer to that which is "behind" or that is produced "through" . In this sense, both transplant and transplant can be used. However, to promote unification, the RAE has only registered the notion of transplant .

With this clear, it must be taken into account that transplant or transplant refers to the act and consequence of transplanting (removing a plant from the place where it is rooted to plant it in a different place; carrying a custom or practice from a region to another; carry out the transfer of an organ from one individual to another).

Transplants today

Today, the idea of ​​transplant is often used specifically in the field of medicine . Transplants are procedures that involve the ablation of cells, tissues or organs from one organism to install them in a different organism . This is done when a person has an organ that does not function correctly.

In this way, the transplanted organ begins to perform the functions that the damaged organ that was removed was supposed to perform. Thanks to this intervention, the person can improve their quality of life or survive. The heart , lungs , liver , kidneys and skin are some of the organs that can be transplanted.


Organ donation is essential for the development of transplants or transplants.

The importance of donation

Organ transplants are so important today, as they are the only alternative to survival that certain sick people have, that organizations have been formed that are responsible for properly managing the donations and subsequent allocations of those aforementioned organs. We are referring, for example, to the National Transplant Organization ( ONT ) that exists in Spain and has been operating for 25 years.

It is an organization that depends on the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and is responsible for undertaking the technical coordination of obtaining and using the cells, tissues and organs that are donated.

Data on transplants

Among the most curious facts that exist about the world of organ transplants, it is worth highlighting the following:

– The first heart transplant occurred in 1967 , specifically on December 3, taking place at the Groote Schurr Hospital in Cape Town ( South Africa ).

– Although one may think otherwise, liver transplantation is much more complex than heart transplantation, which is why it requires a greater number of professionals in charge of the surgical intervention.

-The first liver transplant was performed in 1963 at the Veteran's Hospital in Denver , Colorado . On the contrary, the first of this type that was carried out in Spain was in the 1980s , specifically at the Bellvitge Hospital in L' Hospitalet ( Barcelona ).

1966 was, for its part, the year in which the first two pancreas transplants were carried out.