Definition of



Transmutation is a transformation that can develop naturally or artificially.

Transmutation is the act and consequence of transmuting (transforming one thing into something different). It is important to be clear that the term in question has its origin in Latin, specifically, it derives from the verb “transmutare”, which can be translated as “transform” or “move” and is made up of two very well differentiated parts:

-The prefix “trans-”, which means “from one place to another”.

-The verb “mutare”, which is equivalent to “change”.

What is transmutation

The term is usually used with reference to the transformation of one chemical element , which becomes another. The phenomenon can develop naturally in cases where a chemical element has a nucleus that lacks stability. These elements generate nuclear fission or fusion and emit radiation while losing or gaining atomic weight until the nucleus reaches stability.

Transmutation can also be carried out through human action: that is, artificially . Already in the first decades of the 20th century , scientists managed to transmute chemical elements through bombardment with alpha particles towards a nitrogen atom .


Alchemists sought the transmutation of various elements into gold.

The concept in alchemy

The idea of ​​transmutation was very present in the alchemists of Antiquity , who laid the foundations for the development of modern chemistry. Alchemists maintained that it was possible to achieve the transmutation of different metals into gold , based on the fact that the density of gold and the density of lead were similar.

In the context of alchemy, thus, it was stated that a substance known as a philosopher's stone had the property of transmuting base metals into gold or silver.

Transmutation in "Harry Potter"

Precisely in the literary saga, and also cinematographic, created by the British writer JKRowling about the young wizard Harry Potter, we have to show that these aforementioned elements play a fundamental role. Thus, the first installment is called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” and both in this and the rest of the novels we are introduced to a character named Nicolas Flamel who tries to find the aforementioned stone.

That last alchemist is a real character from the Middle Ages who, according to numerous legends, was able to achieve the aforementioned goal. Specifically, there are many theories and opinions that establish that yes, he managed to discover with his wife the stone that was capable of transforming any metal into gold and that it was also considered the elixir of Long Life.

The notion in spirituality and sexuality

On the spiritual plane the notion of transmutation can also appear. Certain religions and beliefs speak of transmutation to refer to the internal change that a person experiences when they move away from harmful elements (from actions to thoughts) and get closer to God .

In the same way, we cannot forget that there is also what is known as sexual transmutation, which is a set of procedures that individuals can carry out and that are considered to allow them to achieve spiritual energy from their own. sexual energy.