Definition of



Butterflies, throughout their life cycle, register an evident transformation.

Transformation is the action and effect of transforming (making something or someone change shape, transmuting something into something else). The term comes from the Latin word transformatĭo .

For example: "I can't believe Carina's transformation: the last time I saw her she had black hair and weighed like a hundred kilos, now she's dyed blonde and she's skinnier than me," " Since she lost her job, she suffered a transformation and lives depressed” , “This house needs a transformation: we are going to buy new furniture and paint it” .

Transformation as a change of state

It can be said that transformation, therefore, is the passage from one state to another. A person can transform physically through diets, cosmetic surgeries, clothing changes, etc.

It can also show a transformation in a spiritual or symbolic sense when he decides to live at a slower pace, pay less attention to material things or make similar changes: “The actor experienced an internal transformation after being on the brink of death,” “The “Women, when they divorce, undertake a transformation and change their appearance.”

Harry Potter Magic Branch

This meaning of the word transformation, seasoned with a little fantasy, can be assimilated and understood through the literary, and later cinematographic, saga about the wizard Harry Potter. And the story tells how the aforementioned transformation is a branch of magic that, through a molecular change, allows an object or person to take on the appearance of another thing or individual.

Thus, for example, in these novels it was said that there were several types of transformation: human, between species and even switching, which consists of two elements completely exchanging both their appearance and their properties.

literary saga

In "Harry Potter", the transformation is associated with a molecular change through magic.

Transformation in music and social sciences

There are many and varied fields that opt ​​for using the term in question to define different concepts. Thus, for example, in the musical field there is talk of what is called thematic transformation , which is a technique that is fundamentally characterized because the theme is subjected to different variations and modifications such as modulations, decrease, increase...

On the other hand, in the field of Social Sciences the term social transformation is used. That makes clear the entire set of alterations that occur in social structures as a consequence of certain cultural, political, economic factors...

The History of humanity is a faithful reflection of how some changes or others have appeared until reaching the present day. Many of them are the result of modernity, migration, innovation or even revolutions.

The concept in biology

In the field of biology , transformation is the phenomenon by which some cells acquire genetic material from others. These cells, therefore, suffer a genetic alteration from the introduction of another DNA.

Biological transformation can receive different names depending on the type of alteration. The alteration by the introduction of DNA from a virus is known as transduction , while the transformation due to intercellular contacts between bacteria is called conjugation . The transformation of animal cells, finally, is called transfection .