Definition of



Translation involves expressing in one language something that was previously expressed in a different language.

Translation is the action and effect of translating (expressing in one language something that has been previously expressed or that is written in a different language). The term can refer both to the interpretation given to a text or speech and to the material work of the translator.

This concept has its etymological origin in Latin. Specifically, we can determine that it comes from the word traductio , which can be defined as the action of guiding from one place to another. And it is made up of three different parts: the prefix trans -, which is synonymous with "from one side to the other" ; the verb ducere , meaning "to guide" ; and the suffix – cion , which is equivalent to “action” .

For example: "The Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges made translations of works by Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, George Bernard Shaw and other great authors" , "The translation of this film is very bad" , "The speaker speaks too fast, I think that the translation is not including all its concepts .

Types of translation

The types of translation are various. Direct translation is carried out from a foreign language to the language of the translator (such as the case of Borges translating a text by Poe). Reverse translation , on the other hand, takes the form of the translator's language into a foreign language.

On the other hand, one can speak of literal translation (when the original text is followed word by word) or free or literary translation (the meaning of the original text is respected, although without following the author's choice of expressions).

However, we cannot ignore that there is another classification of translation. In this case, within it we find categories such as judicial translation , which is that which takes place in front of a court. On the other hand, there is literary translation which, as its name indicates, is the one whose object is literary works of various kinds, be they stories, poems, theater or novels . All of this without forgetting what is known as informative translation, which is responsible for doing the same with all types of texts and documents that aim to make known a matter in question. Nor to the so-called scientific-technical translation which, as its name indicates, refers to texts referring to science, technology, the medical field or engineering, among other fields.


There are computer tools dedicated to translation.

Simultaneous work

Simultaneous translation takes place at the same time that a conference or speech is being delivered. It is commonly used in the field of politics (at international meetings) or in the media (to translate what is expressed at an event in a foreign language).

In the same way, this type of translation is also what is developed, for example, when a foreign actor arrives in a country other than his own to give a press conference in which he presents his new film.

It should be noted that although the only accurate translation is one carried out by a human being with extensive knowledge of the language to be translated, there are computer tools that carry out literal translations quite successfully.