Definition of

Remote work

Remote work

In the face of remote employment, we must address the link between mental health and remote work. To reduce risks and be able to fulfill work obligations in the best possible way, it is advisable to have an exclusive space at home to work comfortably and without distractions, set a work schedule and achieve a balance between employment and social/family life.

Remote work is a form of employment that allows, in an absolute or partial way, to meet work objectives by performing tasks remotely , regardless of where on the planet each employee is performing the function for which they were hired. .

This style is characterized by prioritizing goals and betting on both commitment and individual responsibility . Thus, the requirement is not placed on the schedule to be fulfilled by each member of the company, there being more freedom in that aspect. In any case, it is advisable to always agree on the time availability of workers in order to know who to go to or consult in case of emergencies or unforeseen events.

Years ago, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic that forced social isolation and confinement for several months, the home office variety was imposed on a global scale. Studying remotely and adapting to teleworking guidelines led multitudes to connect from a screen, communicating with each other from social networks , videoconferences , instant messaging , etc.

Types of remote work

Remote work can be classified into different categories according to the particularities and conditions under which it is carried out.

In certain circumstances, for example, it is agreed that the employee carries out tasks daily remotely but without completely abandoning the in-person format. In this hybrid work model (combination of in-person and remote) there is usually work flexibility and self-discipline is called upon to stipulate and comply with days and times of virtual meetings , office attendance , etc.

In some companies (or in certain sectors), however, the idea of ​​absolute remote work is imposed as a useful and convenient alternative for the productivity , comfort and economy of staff and employers. In this system, work by objectives governs and group coordination is evident so that corporate challenges or ventures prosper and it is possible to achieve success without the need for a common face-to-face meeting space for work dynamics.

Nor can we lose sight of the fact that in contexts where in-person employment is still prioritized, occasional remote work is also valued, an option that is valid and timely in specific scenarios or in cases of force majeure.

Virtual meetings

Holding videoconferences is the fastest and most organized way to meet remotely with a work team or collaborators when you opt for remote employment.

Benefits and disadvantages

Although remote work generates important benefits for both workers and companies as a whole, this modality has some unfavorable points.

The flexible schedule of remote work , the autonomy it provides and the time savings on travel are aspects in favor of the employee. At the corporate level, investments linked to the firm's facilities or infrastructure are avoided and, by not requiring staff to occupy a position in person, it contributes to the reduction of the carbon footprint .

In many cases, teleworking allows for a better work environment (since the problems associated with tense relationships or conflicts typical of daily contact between members of a team are minimized), as well as more productivity , performance and efficiency . Intercultural collaboration is even encouraged, there is access to global talent and, in this framework, geographical distances are no longer barriers when working towards a common goal. Adopting the remote work or home office model, as seen in practice, provides multiple competitive advantages for companies.

Of course, beyond recognizing the innovative and practical nature of remote work , several disadvantages or issues come to light that need to be recognized and addressed. First of all, you have to learn to achieve a healthy balance to improve your work-life balance . Self-discipline is essential to fulfill work but also to know how to slow down and disconnect in a timely manner.

Simultaneously, we must take care of ergonomics at home in order to organize a comfortable space (with equipment and furniture suitable for virtual employment that requires spending long hours in front of a screen) and to have good habits and correct body postures on a daily basis. Teleworkers are prone to problems linked to eye irritation, contractures and muscle pain, weight and insomnia, for example. As the number of people doing remote work multiplied, cases of so-called videoconferencing fatigue also increased (such an expression that refers to the exhaustion that arises after responding to several meetings over the Internet in the same day).

Home office

To set up and take advantage of a home office, it is necessary to adapt an environment, guarantee connectivity and have the appropriate devices and elements in order to be able to fulfill work obligations remotely.

Tools at the service of remote work

At the service of those who work remotely there is a huge variety of programs , applications and tools .

skype y Zoom, por indicar dos casos puntuales a modo de referencia, posibilita las comunicaciones a distancia, mientras que desarrollos tecnológicos como Trello, Basecamp resultan aliados de la gestión del remote work y la task organization.

Of course, to protect confidential information or sensitive data, whether tasks are carried out remotely or in an office, it is extremely necessary within the workplace to invest in cybersecurity . Antivirus , secure browsers , encryption and permissions to access certain files are vital to work well and take care of both the equipment and the content that is used and/or generated.