Definition of


Collective work

Commitment, communication, cooperation, organization, trust and responsibility are the bases for good teamwork.

Teamwork is a way of organizing as a group to carry out a certain task in an articulated manner and accomplish, among all the members of the group, the same challenge or objective.

This style of structure requires the cooperation , commitment , camaraderie and effort of at least two people involved in a joint plan or purpose. Of course, to minimize discomfort that affects performance or demotivates someone in the group, a good climate must be permanently guaranteed and the level of satisfaction of each person must be taken care of.

Teamwork , as can be seen from everyday reality, is implemented in multiple areas for very different reasons.

It is an option that, for example, many families choose for the dynamics of their homes in order to distribute tasks among clan members. In this framework, each one, according to their possibilities, contributes their time, knowledge and sacrifice for the group's well-being: while some prepare dinner, another can wash the utensils and the rest serve dessert, to detail a hypothetical distribution of activities as reference.

In the school environment, it is also common to work as a team inside and outside the classroom. The group format strengthens ties, promotes communication and aims to generate unity with the goal of achieving the planned goal. Together, the students prepare everything from a school investigation to a radio program, including the implementation of a play and some solidarity initiative that benefits a sector of the community.

In the search for good results, it is also vital to value teamwork within the sporting universe. Nobody embraces success alone: ​​an elite player needs someone to train him, specialists to take care of his nutrition and mental health, family support, etc.

It is also essential that teamwork is promoted in the workplace because it is a tactic that stimulates efficiency , motivation and good performance of staff.

Group identity

Loyalty, understanding, unity and patience among colleagues are key to making teamwork harmonious and productive.

Aspects that require and encourage teamwork

Teamwork demands and stimulates a wide variety of aspects.

Just as there must be respect , trust , enthusiasm and an excellent willingness to join a collective project, carrying out a joint plan requires, at all times, empathy , tolerance , commitment , flexibility , collaboration and good communication from those involved.

Those who participate in this type of structure have to adapt to the group modality and assume both a role and a series of responsibilities, collaborating individually but without neglecting the collective essence.

The power of delegation , leadership , the willingness to actively listen , the ability to manage conflicts and the mastery of emotional intelligence are essential for the experience of working as a team to be as fruitful and useful as possible.

Team formation according to the work environment

There are several strategies to consider for team building depending on the work environment .

If there are personnel carrying out functions outside the office, for example, a form of remote group integration and coordination will have to be considered, basically supported by technology.

When there is remote work , communication undoubtedly has to flow through collaborative tools that simplify, enhance and favor teleworking .

If the format is face-to-face work , then it is advisable to organize team meetings with some frequency to set group norms , make management assessments and motivation sessions, in addition to taking advantage of these meetings to chat about common goals and how to move towards the goal. achievement of objectives, to mention some possibilities.

If it is a hybrid work , teamwork has to be promoted through video calls, virtual messaging services or emails and permanent feedback , giving space to the members so that they have the freedom to mark everything from errors to progress or improvements in the work. constructive feedback framework.


Well-being at work must be achieved individually and a team spirit must be built so that the work environment in a company or office is pleasant and motivates working collectively.

How to achieve good teamwork

How to achieve good teamwork is a challenge that requires, on the one hand, the visionary eye of someone who has to assemble a group in pursuit of an objective; On the other hand, it requires the commitment, interest, ideas and desire of those eventually summoned.

Team building is a process during which profiles must be analyzed in order to find those people who, in addition to the skills or knowledge useful for a given task, are willing to continue learning and integration . The temperament and personality of each member is as important as their career or experience: the combination of a good work environment and an ideal personal environment is the ideal formula to achieve excellent results and be able to overcome moments of tension or tension in the best possible way. of discussion.

From the Human Resources area, it is common to implement strategies such as teambuilding in order to strengthen interpersonal ties and, thinking about promoting productivity and leadership, take advantage of tools such as mentoring .