Definition of



Torsion is a concept that is linked to the action of twisting.

The first thing we have to take into consideration in order to establish the meaning of the term torsion is to know its etymological origin. In this sense, it must be determined that it derives from the Latin "torsio", which can be translated as "twist" and that it is the result of two clearly delimited parts:

-The verb «torquere», which is synonymous with «to twist» and «to make rotate».

-The suffix «-ion», which is equivalent to «action and effect».

Torsion is a term that refers to the act and result of twisting. The concept usually refers specifically to that which twists in a helical direction (like a helix).

Torsion in engineering and mechanics

In the field of engineering , mechanical torsion consists of the application of a moment of force on the longitudinal axis of a prismatic piece.

The torsion bar is used in automobiles to connect the suspension axles. This piece of steel seeks to ensure that the chassis moves as little as possible when the vehicle turns. The torsion bar, in this way, increases the stability of the car by preserving its geometry without alterations.

Torsion springs , on the other hand, work by twisting . In this way, they store mechanical energy when they are rotated, which they then return when they are released. The traps used to catch mice, like those usually seen in cartoons, work with torsion springs .

The concept in mathematics

In the field of mathematics , the idea of ​​torsion can be linked to a curve or a geometric tensor. The notion also appears in physics ( torsion field ).

In addition to the torsion field, it can also be called the rotation field or the axion field. It is equally important to know that it appeared in the 1980s and specifically in Russia thanks to the work of several scientists of recognized prestige at that time.


Gastric torsion is a disorder that can affect dogs and other animals.

gastric torsion

Gastric torsion is a severe gastric disorder that dogs and other domestic animals can suffer from. It is believed that torsion occurs when the stomach accumulates a lot of gases and a great dilation is generated that prevents the ligaments from continuing to support it; The spleen, with its weight, then causes the intestine to rotate.

This twisting strangles the blood vessels and prevents blood from irrigating the organs and becoming oxygenated. That is why gastric torsion usually leads to the death of the animal.

Problem in the male genital area

In the same way, within the field of medicine and health, we can also establish the existence of what is known as testicular torsion . Basically, this term refers to the torsion suffered by the spermatic cord, which joins the genital tract to a testicle.

Between childhood and adolescence a man can suffer from this problem, which not only manifests itself through nausea and vomiting but also with severe pain. Hence, inevitably, he will have to go to the hospital to be treated urgently, which will even mean having to undergo surgery to undergo surgery.

It is established that this testicular torsion can be of three types: supravaginal testicular, intravaginal testicular and testicular adnexa.