Definition of



The adult male bovid is known as a bull.

Bull is a term that comes from the Latin word taurus . It is an adult male specimen that belongs to the group of bovids . It is characterized by its robust body, covered with short hair, and its horns .

Bulls (males) and cows (females) make up cattle. In the case of bulls, they can weigh more than 1,000 kilograms and measure up to one and a half meters. On the head , it has two horns that can be oriented laterally or upwards.

Bull characteristics

These animals are herbivores and can spend up to eight hours a day digesting their food. Bulls are ruminants: they regurgitate semi-digested food to chew it again and finally break it down completely.

One of its least known characteristics to people who have never approached a bull is the sharpness that its voice can reach: when a bull is looking for a fight with another, it begins to dig the ground vigorously while mooing repeatedly, at first with serious notes, but, oddly enough, after a while it reaches a height that has little in common with its image.


Bullfighting is a cruel spectacle that is condemned by animal rights activists.


Human beings and bulls have always maintained a close relationship, unfortunately for the latter. Domesticated for nearly 10,000 years , they are raised for meat and leather and as draft animals (that is, to pull carriages and machines). In some countries, bulls are used in bullfighting, an event that pits a man against an animal and usually ends with the bull being killed. The activity is known as a bullfight.

Bullfighting is a spectacle of extreme violence, which exploits the bull for economic purposes (as much as when it is used to eat its meat) but supposedly combines it with entertainment and, for some, art or mysticism. Although in no dictionary or encyclopedia can we find a definition of fun that includes the torture of a living being , lovers of this unfortunate tradition defend it with whatever arguments they must invent, regardless of their lack of foundation.

The bull suffers much more than physical damage when he goes out to the bullring to be humiliated, wounded and killed : he must face deep disappointment, seeing that the one who until then had shown himself to be his human friend suddenly turns against him and tries to annihilate it. In fact, the entire breeding of these animals responds to a well-defined and twisted structure; For example, it is common to sedate them before releasing them, so that they begin their "performance" confused and disoriented.

Bullfighting in Spanish culture

Although millions of Spaniards are against bullfighting , and are not exactly proud that foreigners associate this practice with their country, the image of Spain abroad has bullfighting printed on the flag itself.

If we add this to the fact that many tourists are happy after having witnessed a bullfight for the first time, the situation of these poor animals does not seem very promising. All this without leaving aside the pressures exerted by certain figures in power, both from the government and from the world of entertainment : dozens of actors, writers, singers and journalists, as well as politicians, have come to say that bullfighting is poetry.

The term in colloquial language

In colloquial language, subjects who have a lot of strength are usually called bulls.

"Don't worry, grandpa will overcome this illness and move forward: he's a bull",«Since I started eating healthy foods and doing more physical activity, I'm a bull.» y "The team's new forward is a bull that no defender can stop" son expresiones que muestran este uso.