Definition of

sand storm

Poor visibility

A sandstorm involves a massive displacement of sand.

A sandstorm is a massive displacement of sand due to the action of the wind . This phenomenon usually occurs in different regions of America , Asia and Africa .

Before continuing, it must be emphasized that storms are intense disturbances of the atmosphere that include phenomena such as precipitation and gusts . Sand , on the other hand, is known as the particles that come from certain rocks and that accumulate on the surface of a land.

Characteristics of sand storms

Sand storms develop when there are intense winds in a region of sandy soil that is experiencing a prolonged drought . By moving large amounts of sand, which end up depositing on other soil, these storms cause difficulties in livestock and agriculture . Even as sand can travel several thousand kilometers, storms can modify environmental conditions.

Sometimes, while the sand is suspended in the air by the wind, it begins to rain. This causes mud to form and precipitate towards the ground , generating significant dirt.

It is important to note that sand storms can cause serious accidents as they reduce visibility . That is why it is important to take shelter and avoid unnecessary travel.


A sand storm can occur in the desert.

How to protect yourself

When protecting yourself from a sandstorm, you must take into account recommendations such as these:

  • If it appears when you are inside the car, it is advisable to park the vehicle and wait with the windows closed for it to pass.
  • If you are walking, you must protect your eyes with airtight glasses and also, with a mask or similar, cover your mouth and nose.

A historic sandstorm

In September 2009 , Australia suffered one of the most intense sandstorms in history .

A cloud about 1,000 kilometers long and 500 kilometers wide covered various cities for hours. By blocking the passage of the sun's rays, the sandstorm also caused a sharp drop in temperature.

The term in music and cinema

Within the musical field we can emphasize that "Sandstorm" is the title of a song by the Barcelona group Dorian , which began its journey in 2004 and is identified for creating a style that is between indie, electronic music and new wave. . In 2009 was when the aforementioned single was presented, which has been one of the ones that has given the band the greatest impact and which was included in the album titled "The Underground City" .

In the same way, we cannot forget that there are proposals in cinema that use the terms we are addressing in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the 2016 Israeli film called “Sandstorm” . Elite Zexer is the director of this drama that tells the ins and outs, cultural and loving, of a family that lives in a small Bedouin village.

There is also the feature film "Sandstorm" , of Canadian origin and released in 2009 , which revolves around two characters who, for twelve days, are trapped in their house as a result of a storm of that type that has taken place in China. .