Definition of



The twinkling of the stars is associated with how we perceive their light.

Twinkle is a verb that can refer to the action that luminous bodies perform when they shine with a slight tremor . This particularity may be due to different issues.

When we look at stars from Earth , we usually see them twinkling: that is, we notice that the stars flicker or that their light turns on and off intermittently. This visual effect is due to the different layers of air that the starlight passes through until it reaches the Earth's surface. The eye, in this way, detects said luminosity in a different way according to the layer of air (cold or hot) that the light travels through.

It is important to keep in mind that twinkling is not a property of stars . The sun , for example, is a star that we never see twinkle. As we said above, the fact of noticing that a luminous body flickers is linked to the way in which we perceive its light according to the layers of air it passes through until it reaches the Earth.

The flickering of the lights

It is often said, on the other hand, that a light flickers when it is turned on and goes off quickly . A lamp with connection problems or whose bulb is about to burn out may flicker.

The Christmas tree is a symbol that millions of people prepare with great care every year, decorating it with different elements, ranging from figures that hang from its branches to lights that run through its entire structure and twinkle constantly . This visual effect is in itself another symbol of this festivity, since it also extends to the ornamentation of the facades of houses and streets, in towns and large cities alike, according to customs.

Although all Christmas lights are sold with the blinking function, there are many people who do not enjoy it, and that is why most include a key to override it. In itself, seeing the lights constantly twinkling is similar to feeling that the decorations come to life , that the Christmas fire burns in homes and in the streets, that joy reigns day and night.

History of Christmas lighting

Regarding its history, Christmas lights emerged before the discovery of electricity; As early as the 18th century , upper-class German families used candles to light their Christmas trees. Approximately two centuries later, electric light bulbs began to be used to give life to various elements of public roads, regardless of the festivities, and finally this decoration technique was brought to homes during the days of Christmas.

Hollywood has shown us on many occasions that flashing lights are of great importance in the United States : people invest large sums of money in decorating their homes, at a level that is not common in other countries.


An eye may flicker due to the pressure exerted by blood vessels on the muscles in the area.

Eye flickering

If we focus on the body of people and animals, flickering refers to slight agitation . A human 's eye may flicker when the subject is very sleepy or suffers from eye fatigue. The movement is linked to the pressure exerted by the blood vessels on the muscles in the area.

This sensation that the eye is flickering or beating can be very annoying, even if the person's environment does not perceive the movement at the same level as they do. Clinically, this is called superior oblique myokymia , and it usually lasts a few days at most, although it usually disappears within minutes. One of the most widespread tips to treat this ailment is to place a warm cloth over the eye and try to rest .