Definition of



The use of masks to care for the complexion is common.

The etymology of the word complexion is not entirely clear. It is presumed that the term comes from the Latin aptez , which in turn derives from aptus : healthy or healthy . The concept is used to name the surface of something.

The most common use of complexion, however, is associated with the surface of people's faces . In this way, complexion can be considered, in this context, as synonymous with skin or complexion .

For example: "The main suspect is a man approximately 1.85 meters tall, with a robust build, white complexion and brown hair," "The experienced actress provoked admiration at the premiere of her film by wearing a low-cut dress and a glowing complexion. " , without marks from the passage of time» , «This cream will leave your complexion radiant» .

complexion care

Taking care of the complexion is usually one of people's main aesthetic concerns. The face is always exposed and permanently displayed, in all contexts. That is why many men and women try to take care of their complexion to avoid showing wrinkles, folds or blemishes. Many complexion problems can be minimized by sheltering from the sun's rays, using certain cosmetic creams or lotions, and including certain foods in the diet.

However, in addition to those already mentioned, it is common for aesthetics and beauty experts to advise other recommendations to be able to boast of perfect skin. We are referring to the following:

-Always remove makeup before going to sleep, so that the aforementioned skin can "oxygenate."

-Hydrate correctly daily, which involves both applying the corresponding cream and drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water each day.

-Wash your face with soap and water every day.

-Frequently subject the complexion to a corresponding exfoliation to eliminate all impurities and other aspects that are damaging it and making it present an unfavorable appearance.

-As far as nutrition is concerned, it must be healthy, complete and balanced to achieve the desired appearance. Therefore, it is recommended that it be based, above all, on fruits, vegetables and products that provide protein.


The idea of ​​complexion can refer to skin color: dark skin, Caucasian skin, etc.

Eccentric treatments

Although these are the most useful tips to achieve an enviable complexion, we must not overlook the fact that new treatments or products specifically created for this frequently appear on the market. Celebrities usually "promote" some that are really eccentric like these:

-Take blood to treat it in the laboratory and then proceed to inject it again into the face, already "enriched."

-Apply cream made with snake venom.

-Use leeches to make the blood "healthier" and thus achieve a radiant complexion.

Complexion as skin color

The idea of ​​complexion is also used to describe people according to the color of their skin.

That is why it is common that, when searching for an individual, expressions such as "dark complexion" , "brunette complexion" , "Caucasian complexion" and others are used. This reveals what the face of the wanted subject looks like.