Kinetic theory of gases is the name that receives content that is both chemically useful and relevant in the field of physics because it refers to the macroscopic properties and behavior of gases .
From this postulate it follows that gases are made up of microscopic-sized particles that constantly move in different directions. These components collide with each other at a speed that increases depending on the temperature of the gas . This causes, on the one hand, the volume to increase and, on the other, the density to decrease.
In summary: the speed of the molecules when moving individually and randomly is directly related to the reduction or increase in temperature . As a result of movement, and specifically blows, pressure increases. It is also interesting to know and consider that gases have a small density and that, in them, intermolecular forces are practically zero. It is also constructive to keep in mind that the concept of pure gas gains prominence when the molecules that make up a gas are equal.
Properties of the kinetic theory of gases
Multiple characteristics and properties are recognized in the kinetic theory of gases . Among the data extracted from it appear the elastic collisions of the molecules and the conservation of their kinetic energy and linear momentum .
It also comes to light that both the number of molecules and the degree of separation between them is considerable compared to their dimensions. It is even established that the behavior of molecules responds to the predictions of the so-called Newton's laws .
Focus is placed, to add another reference, on the thermal balance of the gas with respect to the walls of the container that contains it.
Basic postulates
When it comes to understanding what and how the kinetic theory of gases is, it is necessary to know and master certain notions. As there are postulates that focus on molecules , temperature and kinetic energy, it is essential to educate yourself about them, for example.
Nor should we lose sight of the link or connection points that the kinetic theory of gases has with the ideal gas laws . Within this last set mentioned are Boyle's law (whose content is justified by the kinetic theory by recognizing the pressure arising from the collisions of particles ), Gay-Lussac's law and Charles's law (around it, The kinetic molecular theory states that along with an increase in temperature , there are increases in pressure and kinetic energy of the particles involved).
It is also useful to learn what microscopic properties are recognized in gases and thus be able to interpret how to appreciate and calculate the pressure of a gas , to determine the temperature and other principles, to establish the average velocity , etc.
Knowledge about the kinetic theory of gases is important because it leads to obtaining explanations about a wide variety of phenomena and because this content, despite having limitations, has applications in different scientific disciplines (it is used in medicine , meteorology , engineering and more).
Evolution of the kinetic theory of gases
The review of how and when the kinetic theory of gases began to take shape takes us back to ancient times. It is said that, through the publication of a material titled “Hydrodynamica” that came to light in 1738 , the doctor, mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli laid the foundations of what is today defined as the kinetic theory of gases . At that time there was quite a bit of resistance to accepting this scientific contribution, perhaps because the law of conservation of energy was not yet completely consolidated, but over time Bernoulli 's contribution was recognized.
Other drivers of advances regarding kinetic theory and discoveries in the field of gases have been August Krönig (physicist and chemist who in 1856 addressed a kinetic model of gas with a simple structure in which the translational movement carried out by particles was addressed) .
Shortly thereafter, Rudolf Clausius improved on the work of his colleagues by adding more observations, just as James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann added more resources for calculations and research by formulating the so-called Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution .
Likewise key were the insights about the Brownian movement (a phenomenon that, from its name, honors the botanist and doctor of Scottish nationality Robert Brown and that is closely related to, for example, osmosis and diffusion ). It was studied, for offering specific information, by Albert Einstein , author of an article titled in Spanish as “On the theory of Brownian motion” and another called “On the movement required by the molecular kinetic theory of heat of small particles suspended in a stationary liquid .