Definition of



Inflammation of the tendons is called tendonitis.

Tendinitis is a term used in medicine to name what happens when a tendon becomes inflamed. Tendons, for their part, are fibrous-type structures whose most important function is none other than to link muscles with bones.

Tendinitis can occur for multiple reasons. The most common is the continuous and excessive repetition of certain movements that are performed without adopting the appropriate posture to avoid excessive demands. In this way, the tendon begins to become inflamed.

Different cases of tendonitis

In the case of elderly people, tendinitis can appear from a loss of elasticity of the tendon and the aging experienced by the tissues . Certain diseases, such as diabetes and arthritis , can also cause tendonitis.

Many people who play sports frequently suffer from tendonitis. It is common for tennis players, for example, to develop tendinitis in the shoulder due to the movement they make when serving, or in the wrist of the hand with which they hold the racket.


Tendinitis is a common injury for tennis players.

Symptoms and treatment

The main symptom of tendonitis is pain in the tendon due to swelling . In some cases, the skin over the tendon takes on a reddish hue.

Once tendinitis is detected, the doctor will indicate treatment in order to reduce swelling and eliminate pain . Rest is generally recommended (to reduce the activity of the affected tendon as much as possible) and perform physical therapy exercises (with the aim of making the tendon stretch and relax). The professional can also prescribe anti-inflammatories .

It is very important to note that if a case of tendonitis is not healed properly, bigger problems can arise; The inflammation must be treated as soon as possible to avoid increasing the risks of ruptures and serious injuries . Likewise, if the patient does not follow the doctors' instructions, the symptoms may reappear.

Regarding the prevention of tendonitis, athletes are recommended to warm up well before starting their practices, avoid any repetitive movement that overloads the lower and upper trunk (even if nothing else, alternating the series with moments of rest ), stay hydrated and work all muscle groups.

Types of tendonitis

Although it is correct to use the term tendonitis to encompass the series of alterations in the tendons that present the characteristics mentioned so far, there is a classification that recognizes several types, among which are the following:

  • Rotator cuff : its main characteristic is that the shoulder capsule and the tendons that are related to this part of the body become inflamed.
  • Lateral epicondylitis : it is known in everyday speech as tennis elbow , since it is common in professionals of this sport. In short, it is a disorder that occurs due to continuous tension in the tendons and extensor muscles of the forearm, which begin precisely at the elbow .
  • Medial epicondylitis : like the previous one, this type of tendonitis has a name by which it is popularly known, and it is golfer's elbow . It occurs when the wrist is flexed too strongly and repeatedly, as the tendons that attach to the elbow become inflamed.
  • DeQuervain's tenosynovitis : it focuses on the thumb, where it causes inflammation of the tendon sheath of its tendons:
  • Trigger finger : inflammation and thickening occur in the tendon sheath of a finger, which prevents its extension and flexion movements. One of its most striking symptoms is that the finger can suddenly become stuck or extended.