Definition of



A high body temperature can be a symptom of a health disorder.

From the Latin temperature , temperature is a physical quantity that reflects the amount of heat , whether in a body, an object, or the environment. This magnitude is linked to the notion of cold (lower temperature) and hot (higher temperature).

Temperature is related to the internal energy of thermodynamic systems, according to the movement of their particles , and quantifies the activity of the molecules of matter : the higher the sensible energy, the higher the temperature.

Variables that depend on temperature

The state , solubility of matter and volume , among other issues, depend on temperature. In the case of water at normal atmospheric pressure, if it is at a temperature below 0ºC, it will appear in a solid state (frozen); If it appears at a temperature between 1ºC and 99ºC, it will be in a liquid state; If the temperature is 100ºC or higher, finally, the water will present a gaseous state (vapor).

Temperature also allows reference to the level of heat of the human being 's body and fever : "My child has a temperature" can be synonymous with "My child has a fever."

Use of hot water in medicine

In both traditional and alternative medicine , the use of high or low temperatures for various treatments is used by many professionals and with a wide range of different objectives.

Hot springs , for example, are appreciated for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects; Furthermore, it is a natural resource that emerges from the earth, either spontaneously or with human intervention . Although their composition varies according to the characteristics of the region through which they travel, they usually contain iron, iodine, fluorine and sodium, among other minerals of great importance.

This healing method, so popular worldwide, begins to act as soon as a person is immersed in the water; The high temperature impacts it immediately and the absorption of the different minerals takes place through the skin. These are directed to the subcutaneous cellular tissue and act in various beneficial ways for the body.

Hot water

The thermal waters , which reach a high temperature, are used in different treatments.

Benefits of a high temperature thermal bath

In addition to the physical pleasure experienced during a thermal bath, numerous healing actions take place, such as:

* stimulation of defenses;

* blood purification, since toxins and other waste are expelled through sweat ;

* in the case of suffering from rheumatism, there is a reactivation of the metabolism and a re-education of the system that regulates body temperature, a capacity that many rheumatic patients lose;

* analgesic effects (one of its best-known properties);

* such muscle relaxation that it can treat edema and other similar conditions, as well as contractures and joint problems, toning and reconstituting the nervous system.

Stress treatment

The list of benefits for human beings continues, and outside of the treatment of diseases and bone or muscle problems, one of its strong points is that it combats stress , typical of the pace of life of today's societies. For the latter alone, access to thermal baths would significantly improve anyone's mood, increasing their energy and preparing them to face day-to-day life with more strength and with a positive outlook.

However, taking into account that the frequency and duration recommended by specialists is once a day, for more than a fortnight , it is clear that it is not a resource accessible to anyone, but rather a luxury. It is a similar case to that of massage sessions, since these are treatments with the potential to improve people's lives, beyond what is strictly medicinal.