Definition of


landline telephone

A landline telephone is connected to a central office via a cable.

A telephone is a device that allows sounds to be transmitted over a distance using electrical signals. It was invented in 1871 by Antonio Meucci , although the first to patent it was Alexander Graham Bell , in 1876 .

Typically, a telephone is made up of two circuits: a talk circuit that handles voice and a dialing circuit , linked to dialing and calls. Both the signals that come from the telephone to the central office and those that go from the central office to the telephone are transmitted over the same line with just two wires. The device responsible for combining and separating both signals is the hybrid coil or hybrid transformer , which works as a power coupler.

Internet telephony

Currently, there are telephone systems over the Internet , known as Voice over IP or VoIP (according to its acronym in English). These systems do not use conventional telephones, but rather a series of resources that allow the acoustic signal to be sent through the Web.

The user, in this case, must have a microphone and speakers on their computer .

Landline vs. mobile phone

A non-portable device that is linked to another telephone or to a central office through metal conductors is known as a landline ; On the other hand, a cell phone or mobile phone is an electronic wireless device that accesses a telephone network thanks to radio waves . In short, the first is the one that until a few years ago was used in the home, with both wired and wireless models, and the second has the ability to capture signals from many points of the globe, eliminating the need to keep it in one location. determined.

Today, however, this distinction is not so precise. Many telephone companies offer their users mobile phones that act as landlines ; In simple terms, the SIM they use corresponds to a cell phone number, which appears in the identifier of whoever receives a call made from said device. However, the client is assigned another number that meets the characteristics of a landline; It is worth mentioning that whoever wants to communicate with this person has the option of dialing any of the two numbers associated with the device, although they must pay different amounts in each case.


Currently, a mobile phone allows you to perform multiple actions in addition to calls .

The historical evolution

The landline used to occupy a very important place in society , just a couple of decades ago. In the early 90s, there were still many people who did not have a telephone line in their homes, even in large cities. When they finally hired her, they felt privileged to enter an interconnected world, and they enjoyed making and receiving calls as if it were a divine gift.

But all this quickly faded, and the possibility of showing off modern mobile devices far outweighed the genuine excitement of chatting with friends without having to meet them in person. Not many could predict, of course, that such devices would be the subject of ridicule a few years later, when lighter models were introduced to the market and, eventually, without the annoying and unsightly external antennas.

The broken telephone game

Finally, we can mention that broken telephone is a non-competitive children's game, which imitates the operation of a faulty telephone line by distorting the transmitted message . Basically, a minimum of three people are required to play; One of them begins by coming up with a phrase, which she must whisper into the ear of another, who in turn will repeat it for the next participant, and so on.

The last player must say out loud what he understood; The more information that has been lost during the game, the greater the fun, since from a simple sentence a meaningless, hilarious sentence can emerge, which even embarrasses whoever has to share it with their teammates.