Definition of

Agricultural technology

Field and technology

Agricultural technology involves the development and use of technological devices in agricultural and livestock activities.

Agricultural technology is a concept that refers to the knowledge, techniques and artifacts that allow the use of technological elements in livestock and agricultural tasks . Agricultural technology includes everything from different types of machines to laboratory work that allows increasing the efficiency of these activities.

It should be noted that the idea of ​​technology refers to the knowledge and devices that enable scientific knowledge to be applied in a practical way. Agriculture , for its part, is that which is linked to livestock farming (the raising and marketing of livestock) and agriculture (the activity that consists of developing crops).

Examples of use of agricultural technology

Suppose that a family that lives in a rural environment has three dairy cows . Every day, the man milks the cows manually, depositing the milk in a bucket that he then takes to a refrigerator. With the intention of improving the productivity and quality of milk, he decides to invest in agricultural technology. In this way, it acquires a milking machine ( milking machine ) that automatically extracts milk from the cows and, through airtight ducts, transfers it to containers that are already refrigerated.

A farmer who used to water his crops with a watering can can also include agricultural technology by installing a drip irrigation system . This way you no longer have to go around the plantations with a watering can, but rather limit yourself to managing the installed system.

agricultural machine

Agricultural technology usually improves productivity.

The advances

Periodically we discover new devices and technologies that appear on the market and that reflect the advances that are achieved in the agricultural field. A good example of this is, for example, the LEMOS system that has been incorporated into certain harvesters and that allows them to carry out their work uninterruptedly for twenty hours and at a great pace.

Agricultural technology, on a large scale, allows important advances to be achieved in the economic and commercial structure of a territory. That is why it is common for governments to promote technological developments for agriculture and livestock through various organizations.

The National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina

The technology at hand is currently so important that we can find entities that revolve around it. This would be the case, for example, of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) that exists in Argentina and which, logically, depends on the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries .

It was created in the 1950s , but it has been in recent decades that it has achieved more than notable development , becoming an organization of utmost importance in its country. In that sense we can state that it is considered a benchmark due to the advances it has made and the vanguard it represents within the aforementioned sector.

Among its most notable objectives are to act as a driver of development within the agricultural field, promote cooperation between different institutions, project initiatives to improve competitiveness or prioritize the sustainability of the different territories of the nation.

Precisely for all this, within its structure there are other equally relevant bodies that help it achieve these goals. This would be the case, for example, of the Agricultural Research Center (CIAP) or the Agroindustry Research Center (CIA) .