Definition of

Birth rate


The birth rate reveals the proportional number of births that are registered in a society in a specific time period.

A resource that allows us to reflect the relationship that exists between a quantity and the frequency of a certain phenomenon is known as a rate . It is, therefore, the link that can be drawn when comparing two magnitudes.

The birth rate (also defined as crude birth rate or simply birth rate) is the proportional number of births that take place in a community in a given period of time. It is a variable that allows measuring fertility , that is, the effective completion of the process initiated as a result of the fertility or abundance of reproduction of human beings.

Birth rate calculation

This statistic shows the number of children born in a certain year in a certain population per 1,000 citizens . For example: if the birth rate of a town

The birth rate is data that is easy to interpret, but it may be of little use when comparing countries with different demographic realities. Nations can present large differences in the age of their population, which has a direct impact on the birth rate.


When the birth rate is very high, the development of contraception campaigns and measures becomes necessary.

Population growth

It is worth mentioning that the birth rate is linked to live births . The indicator helps calculate the demographic growth of a population: if in a city the birth rate is low and the general age of the inhabitants is advanced, the productive force will face problems in the short or medium term.

In these cases, governments usually encourage the immigration of young couples since, in addition to joining the labor market, they are likely to have children who will also become part of the local economically active population in the future.

The importance of controlling the birth rate

A low birth rate is 15 per thousand and a very high birth rate is 25 per thousand . However, in countries with a low level of economic development, this can reach 30 per thousand. An excess in the demographic level can be extremely harmful to the economy of a country and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

For decades, ways have been sought to reduce the birth rate in the world . As the human species has grown so much demographically, and continues to do so, it is beginning to represent an important enemy that threatens the subsistence of the species and the planet in general. However, while many countries are jumping on the bandwagon and opting for measures to control population growth, others continue to bring children and more children to the planet. Unfortunately, in countries where more children are born, the possibilities of progress are almost zero , so they end up having an excess population and fewer and fewer resources and opportunities to ensure their well-being.

Comparison with other species

Although there are many measures for population control of other species, such as sterilization in domestic animals, there are none for humanity. Hundreds of people make speeches to promote castration in dogs, however, they are the same ones who bring more children into this world, where resources are becoming fewer and fewer and the birth rate does not seem to decrease even slightly.

Birth control should be a mandatory measure in all countries. As with pets, it is essential that the demographic growth of our species be controlled, based on the resources available . Only in this way can an adequate quality of life be achieved for all inhabitants.