Definition of



A dairy farm is an establishment where cows are milked.

Tambo is a notion that comes from tampu , a Quechua word. The concept has different uses depending on the country. In Argentina , Paraguay and Uruguay , the area where cows are milked and their dairy production is sold is called a dairy farm.

In the dairy farms, therefore, milk is extracted from the cows . In addition, these establishments usually sell unprocessed milk to companies that are dedicated to homogenizing, pasteurizing and fortifying the product that then reaches the final consumer.

Operation of a dairy

It is important to take care of the conditions of the dairy so that the milk obtained is of good quality and is not contaminated. The cows must be healthy and the milking process must be carried out with caution. Currently, machines are usually used that milk cows mechanically, with great speed and - according to specialists - without causing them any type of damage.

Once extraction is complete, the milk must be stored at a low temperature so that bacteria do not proliferate. That is why dairy farms usually have tanks that are at a temperature below 4 ºC. In fact, the milking machines are connected to these tanks, a feature that allows the milk to immediately reach the cooling system.

The position of animal groups

Numerous animal groups work hard to let consumers know exactly what a dairy cow must go through, and the stories are truly horrifying. First of all, it goes without saying that cows never make the decision to provide their milk to humans, but rather are exploited, like true slaves ; Your milk should be exclusive to your children.

To maintain this business , on the other hand, it is necessary to artificially inseminate them, and this leads them to one of the worst things they have to face: being forcibly separated from their children shortly after giving birth to them. The young calves are destined for slaughterhouses, while the calves must repeat their mothers' nightmare, which includes being dehorned.


In Inca times, the tambos were refuges for the Chasquis.

The tambos in the Inca era

In Inca times, the shelters that were located on the routes traveled by the messengers known as chasquis were called tambo.

These tambos provided shelter for the Chasquis and were also used to store food and various materials. By extension to this meaning, in countries like Bolivia and Ecuador , the site that provides lodging is known as a tambo.

a surname

We also find this term as a proper name for places and people. An example can be seen in the surname of Oliver Reginald Tambo , an anti-apartheid politician of African origin, who lived until 1993 . He was a figure of great importance for the National Congress of his nation. One of the anecdotes that show the consequences of his activism goes back to 1940 , when he was expelled from the University of Fort Here , along with a group that also included Nelson Mandela , for having taken part in a student strike.

Through his tireless work in the company of other fighters, Tambo dedicated all his efforts to pursuing a world without racism . The system he opposed, apartheid , proposed the segregation of races, the marginalization of a social group simply because of their ethnicity. The translation of this term from Afrikaans is "separation" , and it consisted of ensuring that blacks and whites did not mix in the same public places, in addition to granting only the latter the right to vote.

The Tambo people

In the Australian state of Queensland there is a town called Tambo , which is located on the banks of the Barcoo River . It was founded in 1863 and has a small population, which until 2016 did not exceed 400 inhabitants. This particular fact, added to the fact that it is located in a remote part of the country, makes it easy to understand that the name comes from an indigenous word whose meaning is "a hidden, secluded or resting place."

On the other hand, it is important to indicate that Tambo receives a significant portion of tourism every year, and this represents one of its main sources of economic support.