Definition of


Woman holding her feet

The heel is the back part of the human foot.

The heel is the posterior sector of a person's foot . It is the back area of ​​the foot , located in the lower part of the leg .

The heel is located below the calf . By extension, the section of the shoe that covers this part is called the heel.

Heel can also refer to the part through which the bow of the violin and other musical instruments is taken; to the document that is separated from the body of a book; to the inner edge of a tire; or the angle of inclination of a boat, for example.

heel test

It is common for newborns to undergo the heel test , a puncture performed to obtain a blood sample, which is then analyzed to determine if the baby suffers from any congenital metabolic pathology, such as adrenal hyperplasia , phenylketonuria , congenital hypothyroidism , cystic fibrosis and other diseases of amino acid and fatty acid metabolism.

This medical exam is also known as a neonatal screening test or metabolic screening test , and is usually performed between 24 and 48 hours after birth. Drops of blood are collected on special filter paper that is sent to a laboratory for analysis.

The main goal of the heel prick is to identify rare but serious diseases that may have no symptoms at birth. Its importance lies in the fact that many of these can be treated if they are detected early . If any abnormalities are identified in the heel test results, additional medical follow-up can be performed and, if necessary, treatment started as soon as possible to prevent long-term complications and damage.

Importantly, neonatal heel testing programs may vary by country or region , so the specific disorders tested may differ. It is advisable to consult with health professionals or local health authorities to obtain accurate information about the neonatal screening tests available in a specific location.

Heel pain

Heel pain is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. The most frequent causes are:

  • Plantar fasciitis : occurs when the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, becomes inflamed or irritated;
  • heel spur : abnormal bone growth on the heel bone ;
  • Retrocalcaneal bursitis – The bursa is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between nearby bones, tendons, and tissues. When inflamed, it can cause pain and tenderness in the back of the heel;
  • Achilles tendonitis : inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel.
Achilles sculpture

The Achilles heel is the main weakness of a person, organization or system.

Achilles heel

The expression Achilles' heel refers to what constitutes the main vulnerability or weakness of an individual . The phrase is linked to a mythological story where it is said that Achilles , at birth, was immersed by Thetis in the River Styx to give him immortality, although as the child was held by his right heel, said part of the body was not protected.

This expression is used in everyday language to refer to a weak point of a person, organization or system that can be exploited or cause its failure . According to legend, Achilles was a Greek hero famous for his bravery and skills in war. He was invulnerable throughout his body, except for his heel.

It may refer to a specific feature or aspect that can be exploited or that represents a risk to overall success or integrity . For example, a company may have a successful product, but its overdependence on a single supplier may be its Achilles heel if it fails. Likewise, a person may have many skills, but a lack of confidence may be their Achilles heel, affecting their performance in certain situations.