Definition of



A woman who carries out activities considered indecent or indecorous is mentioned as suripanta.

Suripanta is a term used derogatorily to refer to a woman who lacks morals or decency . Therefore, a suripanta is not honest or engages in unseemly activities .

For example: “Get out of here, suripanta! Stay away from my family” , “I will not accept that you call me suripanta” , “The suripanta interfered with my partner” .

Characteristics of a suripanta

The notion is often associated with women who lead a free and untethered sexual life . The suripanta, in this sense, can maintain romantic relationships with several people simultaneously or escape from all types of commitment.

The term is also used to name the woman who plays certain roles in the theater or who works as a chorus girl, linking these activities to less than decent issues.


The term suripanta achieved notoriety in Latin America thanks to an episode of "The Simpsons."

A macho look

To fully understand the meaning of the term suripanta, as well as the different interpretations that society has of it, it is necessary to review certain points. In the first place is machismo , a regrettable phenomenon that calls into question the integrity of any woman who tries to explore her sexuality outside of marriage or a stable relationship; In short, a heterosexual woman who has sexual relations for purposes other than giving herself completely to a man, whether to satisfy him or to have children with him, is not respectable.

While a heterosexual man can have sex with as many women as he wants, the same does not happen the other way around: a man's popularity and reputation improve if he is very sexually active, but a free woman in this aspect can be despised and suffer serious consequences . depending on the environment in which you live.

Many concepts are mixed irresponsibly and incorrectly in everyday speech, from the point of view of people who do not master the language or who do not delve into the true meanings of the words before speaking; Just as homosexuality and pedophilia tend to appear in the same headlines, in the same way the attitude of a woman who freely explores her sexuality is usually associated with prostitution.

Suripanta and freedom

At the other extreme, there are people who not only do not use the concept of suripanta in a derogatory way, but celebrate the existence of such women. For them, a suripanta is a woman who, from society's point of view, lives her sexuality as a man would , that is, without fear of labels. This does not mean that she practices promiscuity or that she does not take precautions to prevent the spread of venereal diseases, but rather that she allows herself to explore her carnal side, seeks to feel attractive and imposes herself without letting others overshadow her.

This figure is feared by those women who prefer to accommodate themselves to social mandates, and dedicate themselves to serving men as girlfriends, wives and mothers, since many of them repress their desires for freedom , for singleness, something that their boyfriends do not always do. , husbands and children, despite the promises and documents that bind them.

The concept in "The Simpsons" and in the theater

It should be noted that, in a well-known episode of The Simpsons , Grandpa ( Abraham Simpson ) gets angry with his partner, Rosanelda , and repeatedly shouts “suripanta” at her, according to the dubbing made for the Latin American audience .

Suripanta , finally, is the name of a theater company founded in 1986 in the Spanish city of Extremadura . The group included stage directors such as Esteve Ferrer , Carmen Galarza , Roberto Cerdá and Etelvino Vázquez , among others.

The first play that Suripanta performed was “Nobody Pays Here,” a piece written by the Italian Darío Fo . This work, directed by Vázquez , was premiered by the group in 1986 , the same year of its creation. Federico García Lorca , Lope de Vega and William Shakespeare are other authors whose works Suripanta brought to the stage.