Definition of



Furrows are important for tillage and irrigation.

A furrow is a ditch , ditch or channel that is made on land . For example: “The owner of the field made a groove around the barn to prevent it from flooding,” “The earthquake left a groove on the floor of the school,” “You can still see the groove that the truck made on the dirt road.” ” .

In the field of agriculture , the furrows made with a plow or a similar tool are very important during tillage . These slits are also used for irrigating the land.

Making furrows

Before motorized tractors appeared, mules and oxen had to pull plows, although unfortunately many people continue to exploit these animals today, due to a supposed lack of resources to acquire modern equipment. Although the arrival of technology in the agricultural field increased the speed of this and other activities, it did not change the characteristics of the basic instruments, which consist of one part to cut the soil and another, the mold, to stir it.

The depth of the furrow is set by the person in charge of the plow, and this also depends on the soil conditions. For example, clay is more suitable than sand for making furrows, since water passes through it at a slower speed. Additionally, sand does not hold the furrows for long, as it is more vulnerable to erosion than clay, which fixes in one position and forms a crust as it dries.


The wrinkles that form in the skin can be called furrows.

Some suggestions

The risk of soil erosion is directly proportional to the magnitude of the slope , and this is also related to soil conditions. At specific values, the least soil erosion and the most efficient drainage can be achieved with a slope that is between 0.05 and 0.5 percent.

One of the most widespread pieces of advice to achieve better and more efficient plowing is to make furrows that reach the ends of the land , although once again the type of soil may prevent this from being put into practice: clay is suitable to preserve the shape of the furrows. of great extension, but the same does not happen with sand.

Returning to the depth of the furrows, it is worth mentioning that this is one of the most important properties of the plow. Although there are limits that respond to issues such as the characteristics of the available machines and, as mentioned above, the type of soil, a greater depth always protects the seeds from heavy rains, preventing water from spoiling the crops. A good farmer must develop such intuition that allows him to lay out the furrows thinking about all this, since his economy depends on it.

Grooves on the body

For anatomy , grooves are folds or fissures that exist in organs . Human beings have grooves in the skeleton, digestive system, ear and mouth, among other parts of the body.

Furrow is also the name given to the wrinkles that form on the skin over time: “I am ninety-three years old, there is no longer any room for new furrows on my face,” “The furrows that ran through my skin revealed its advanced age” , “The dermatologist recommended a cream that helps hide the furrows” .

Other uses of the term

The notion can also be used symbolically to refer to the mark that something leaves: “The death of Don Esteban left a groove in my heart,” “Today I lead a happy life, although I must admit that those childhood years caused a groove in me.”

In Peru , there are two districts called Surco : Santiago de Surco (in the province of Lima ) and San Jerónimo de Surco (province of Huarochirí ).