Definition of


Eliminate frying diet

Eliminating fried foods from your diet is good advice to improve health.

The Latin word supprimĕre came to Spanish as suppress . This is the name given to the action that consists of removing something or making it cease to exist .

Delete or remove

For example: "The organizers of the festival announced that this year they will be forced to suppress several shows for budgetary reasons" , "According to different sources , the government is analyzing the possibility of eliminating the boarding tax to promote cruise tourism" , "The nutritionist recommended that I eliminate fried foods from my diet."

In these three examples we see situations in which someone removes an element, that is, makes it no longer present. In the first, the organizers of a festival remove various shows from the program because they cannot support them financially; This means that these will no longer be part of the festival, that they will no longer be exhibited in that context . Note the following nuance: it is not about making them disappear materially, but about removing them from a certain context ; They still exist and can be part of another festival.

The second sentence tells us about an analysis that the government is doing about the possibility of eliminating a certain tax with the purpose of promoting tourism. In short, here we are talking about making said rate cease to exist, that is, it is not moved to another area, but rather completely abolished. Finally, we have the case of a person whose nutritionist advises him to stop eating fried foods. The goal is to eliminate these elements from your diet, from a list of possible products , but not to eliminate food materially.

Omit or dispense with

Let's take the case of a company that has one hundred employees. Due to a drop in sales and an increase in costs, the owner makes the decision to cut ten jobs . This means that it will lay off a dozen workers, who will no longer have a place in the company.

The idea of ​​suppressing, therefore, can refer to excluding, omitting or doing without : "I am going to suppress the details of the story so as not to bore you," "Please, doctor, take care to suppress the hardest data when I explain the chart to the patient's family" , "The boss suggested I delete some of the statistics in my presentation to investors" .

The meaning of omitting gives this verb a very particular nuance, because the suppressed elements do not disappear, but rather the speaker decides not to mention them at a certain time. Suppressing certain details from a story when telling it at a meeting is not the same as eliminating them completely in a written work.

Delete keyboard delete

The "Delete" key is also known as "Delete" and deletes alphanumeric elements after the cursor.

In computing

On the other hand, the Delete key, whose name is usually abbreviated as Del ( or Del ), is part of computer keyboards and is used to delete an element positioned after the cursor (in the specific case of the text), or whatever has been selected. It is usually located on the right side along with other editing keys, such as End , Home , and Insert .

On some keyboards , the Delete key appears twice. In addition to the mentioned location, it can be located in the numerical section. Going back to the sense in which you can delete text elements, this key is considered the opposite of the so-called "Backspace", which deletes backwards. To understand this difference, let's imagine that we have the word "dog" and we position the cursor between the e and the r ; If we press the Backspace key, we will delete the e , while with Delete , we will delete the r . If we leave them pressed, the process will continue in the corresponding direction .